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作者(外文):Chang, Che Wei
論文名稱(外文):A hybrid nanocomposite of molybdenum disulfide and reduced graphene oxide as counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Chuen Horng
Chen, Fu Rong
外文關鍵詞:Graphenemolybdenum disulfidedye-sensitized solar cells
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此研究是利用水熱合成法及高溫熱還原合成二硫化鉬/還原態參氮氧化石墨烯奈米複合材料(molybdenum disulfide/ nitrogen reduced graphene oxide),覆蓋在透明導電玻璃之對電極,替代貴金屬鉑作為染料敏化太陽能電池。利用Hummers法將天然石墨製作出剝離呈片狀的氧化石墨烯。利用水熱合成法將聯氨中之氮原子置換氧化石墨烯中之氧原子,形成還原石墨烯,從中及可修補在石墨烯上大量的孔洞缺陷以及提升導電性。再利用高溫熱還原,將附著在還原態氧化石墨烯四硫代鉬酸銨還原成二硫化鉬,此可借用二硫化鉬的良好催化能力,提升在對電極上催化碘三根離子還原的能力。從穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)中可發現有層層堆疊之片狀結構,除此之外還可發現兩種不同層間距之二硫化鉬及還原態參氮氧化石墨烯。從X射線光電子能譜儀(XPS)中可發現,還原石墨烯具有N1s之峰值,且還原石墨烯之O1s峰值較氧化石墨烯之O1s來的低,還原態氧化石墨烯中組成C1s峰值之含氧官能基也隨著還原後降低,由此可推斷還原態氧化石墨烯上之含氧官能基被N原子所取代而形成具有吡啶分子結構之石墨烯,在Mo3d和S2p之峰值中可發現主要是由四價之Mo及二價之S所組成的,由此更可判定石墨烯上確實有成功還原之二硫化鉬。此種奈米複合材料,可結合還原態參氮氧化石墨烯與二硫化鉬之優點,具有良好催化活性及大反應面積之二硫化鉬,可取代白金作為對電極來催化碘三根離子還原,再加上還原態氧化石墨烯的良好導電性,在二硫化鉬做催化時更能有有效的將電子從導電玻璃上傳遞到二硫化鉬中,能提高電荷交換頻率,具有良好之催化活性。其光電轉換效率達5.95%,對照以傳統鉑作為標準對電極之光電轉換效率6.43%,還原石墨烯對電極之效率為鉑對電極之效率的93.4%。因此具有低成本之還原石墨烯可替代昂貴之鉑,以作為高效率染料敏化太陽能電池之對電極。
In this study, the molybdenum disulfide/ nitrogen doped graphene oxide nanocomposite (MoS2/nGO) was synthesized with nitrogen doped reduced graphene oxide (nGO) by hydrothermal synthesis method and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) by thermal reduce method. This hybrid nanocomposite coated on fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) glass as a platinum-free counter electrode (CE). The characteristics of MoS2/nGO were investigated by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and Raman spectroscopy. The electrochemical property of MoS2/nGO was characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) and Tafel-polarization measurement. This MoS2/nGO CE exhibited well photovoltaic conversion efficiency (PCE = 5.95 %). Compared with the conventional Platinum, the MoS2/nGO CE was up to 93.4% of using conventional Pt CE (PCE = 6.43 %). As a result of the MoS2/nGO nanocomposite could provide an alternative selection to replace the noble platinum as CE for DSSCs.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
Contents v
Figure list viii
Table list xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Introduction to solar cells 2
1-1-1 Classification and principle of solar cells 2
1-1-2 Dye-sensitized solar cells 4
1-2 Motivation 6
Chapter 2 Literature review 7
2-1 The working principle of DSSCs 7
2-2 Composition of DSSCs 11
2-2-1 Working electrode 11
2-2-2 Photosensitizer dye 15
2-2-3 Electrolytes 18
2-2-4 Counter electrode 20
2-3 Graphene oxide 21
2-4 Reduced graphene oxide 23
2-5 Molybdenum disulfide 25
2-6 Photocurrent-voltage characteristic 27
Chapter 3 Experimental 28
3-1 Process flow 28
3-2 Experimental steps 30
3-2-1 Preparation of graphene oxide 30
3-2-2 Nitrogen doped reduced graphene oxide 33
3-2-3 Molybdenum disulfide process 35
3-2-4 Conductive glass cleaning 37
3-2-5 Preparation of working electrode 38
3-2-6 Preparation of counter electrode 41
3-2-7 Composition of DSSCs 42
3-3 Characterizations 43
Chapter 4 Results and discussion 45
4-1 Structure analysis 45
4-2 Chemical analysis 47
4-2-1 X-ray photoelectron spectra 47
4-2-2 Raman spectrum 51
4-3 Electrocatalytic analysis 52
4-3-1 Voltammetry analysis 52
4-3-2 Electrochemical impedance spectra 54
4-3-3 Tafel-polarization measurements 56
4-4 Photovoltaic performance 59
Chapter 5 Conclusion 62
Chapter 6 Reference 63
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