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作者(外文):Yang, Yi Shan
論文名稱(外文):Interfacial reactions of Ni3Sn4 intermetallic compound in Ni/SnAg/Ni structure under thermomigration
指導教授(外文):Ouyang, Fan Yi
外文關鍵詞:thermomigrationNisolderInterfacial reactiontemperature gradientNi3Sn4
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為了因應現在對電子產品多功能且高效能的要求,三維立體封裝被視為一項可用來突破莫爾定律的技術,然而在電子產品使用過程中,許多的電晶體同時運作,加上晶片堆疊的影響,使得產生大量的焦耳熱,為了排散這些廢熱,勢必會在模組建立一溫度梯度,由溫度梯度所導致的原子移動也就是熱遷移,將會成為一個很重要的議題。而鎳因為其在焊錫中擴散及反應較慢的關係,所以常被使用為金屬墊片的材料。在接合過程中鎳與錫反應會生成Ni3Sn4介金屬化合物以達到接合的效果,但介金屬化合物本質較脆,過多的介金屬化合物產生會降低材料的機械性質,因此了解熱遷移對介金屬化合物介面反應的影響便是一大重要課題。實驗中我們使用對稱的Ni/SnAg/Ni三明治結構來研究在熔融焊錫中鎳原子的擴散行為,以模擬元件對接時可能的介面反應,並以將試片與散熱鰭片放置在加熱板上進行回焊測試的方式,在熔融態焊錫內部建立一大小約為160 °C/cm的溫度梯度。實驗結果發現熱端介面反應被抑制,而冷端介面反應卻被加速,造成冷端生成的介金屬化合物厚度大於熱端,我們推測這異常的介面成長是因為在受溫度梯度的影響之下,鎳原子會傾向往冷端移動而導致。此外,我們也觀察到在熔融態焊錫中,冷、熱兩端介金屬化合物的生成速率皆呈現兩階段不同速率的現象,而從動力學角度分析,這是因為化學勢梯度與熱遷移驅動力互相競爭的關係。在反應初期第一階段,由於介金屬化合物厚度很薄的關係,化學勢梯度驅動力很大,所以冷、熱兩端介金屬化合物厚度皆隨時間增厚,而冷端反應較熱端更快。然而,在反應的第二階段,也就是經過120分鐘的回焊之後,冷端介金屬化合物成長速率減慢,熱端介金屬化合物的厚度會達到一平衡值不再成長,表示此時化學位能與熱遷移力達到動態平衡。最後根據熱遷移的通量公式,可以求得鎳在熔融焊錫中Q*值(Heat of Transport)為+0.76 kJ/mole。同時我們也得知在256.5度時,達動態平衡的臨界條件為熱端介金屬化合物厚度與銲錫內部溫度梯度的乘積要等於489.18 μm×°C/cm。而當達到動態平衡之後反應仍然持續進行並消耗金屬墊層,此時熱端金屬墊層消耗速率為0.134 μm/h。
To meet the demands of high performance and small feature sizes of electronic products, three-dimensional integrated circuit (3DIC) technology is proposed as a promising way to overcome Moore’s law. However, due to multiple transistors work at a same time and the effect of chips stacking, the joule heating will become a big concern. To remove heat, a temperature gradient must be established across the solder joint; therefore it is critical to understand thermomigration induced failure in Pb-free microbumps. Nickel, commonly used as under bump metallization (UBM) in electronic packaging, would react with solder to form Ni3Sn4 intermetallic compound (IMC) during the reflowing process. However, large amount of IMC may deteriorate the mechanical properties of solder. In this study we aim on understanding the interfacial reaction of Ni3Sn4 IMC under thermomigration in molten solder. To simulate the diffusion behavior of Ni atoms during device assembly, a temperature gradient of about 160 °C/cm was established by employing a heat sink and Ni/SnAg/Ni sandwich structures to investigate the interfacial reaction of IMC in molten-state micro-scale solders. The results show that the growth of IMC at hot end was hindered, whereas the growth of IMC at cold side was accelerated, which indicates that under a temperature gradient, Ni atoms tend to move from the hot side toward the cold side. In addition, we observed two-stage growth behavior of IMC under a temperature gradient in molten-state solders. The growth kinetic analysis suggests that the chemical potential gradient and thermomigration driving force compete with each other. At Stage I, the initial thickness of IMC is thin Therefore, the chemical potential gradient dominates the interfacial reaction and the Ni3Sn4 at both ends grow with test time. However, dynamic equilibrium is attained at hot end from Stage II, where the growth rate of IMC at the cold end slows down and the IMC thickness at hot end remains unchanged after 120 minutes of reflow. The molar heat of transport (Q*) of Ni in molten SnAg solder was calculated to be +0.76 kJ/mole. The critical product of ∂x(∂T/∂x) is 489.18 μm×°C/cm at 256.5 °C and the Ni interface moving velocity due to UBM consumption is calculated to be 0.134 μm/h at the hot end when dynamic equilibrium is achieved
Abstract I
摘要 III
致謝 V
Table of content VI
Table caption Page VIII
Figure Caption Page IX
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature review 4
2.1. Evolution of electronic packaging technology 4
2.2. Issues of 3D-IC packaging technology 8
2.3. Thermomigration 10
2.3.1. Theory of thermomigration 10
2.3.2. Joule heating induced temperature gradient in flip chip solder joint. 12
2.3.3. Thermomigration in lead free solder 15
2.3.4. Theromigration of UBM materials 20
2.4. Thermo-compression bonding 24
2.5. Motivation 25
3. Experimental details 27
3.1. Sample preparation 27
3.2. Thermomigration test setup and characterization 28
3.3. Finite element ANSYS simulation 29
4. Results 33
4.1. Simulation of Temperature distribution in Ni/SnAg/Ni sandwich structure 33
4.2. Microstructural evolution of Ni/SnAg/Ni specimen under a temperature gradient 35
4.3. Microstructural evolution of Ni/Sn/Ni specimen under isothermal aging 43
5. Discussion 56
5.1. The growth mechanism of Ni3Sn4 under a temperature gradient 56
5.2. Critical product 65
5.3. Calculation of Heat of transport (Q*) of Ni 66
6. Conclusions 73
References 75
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