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作者(外文):Tsai, Cheng Lun
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Communication Media and Anonymity on Individual's Feelings and Behavior in Group Interaction
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Yu Chen
外文關鍵詞:Virtual worldAnonymityGroup interactionGroup influenceConformity
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虛擬世界(Virtual World)是一種貼近現實世界的溝通媒介,具備了現實生活中的互動方式同時也保有電腦中介溝通的特性。匿名性是一種讓人們處於無法被被辨識的狀態的特性,依據隱藏資訊的不同,分成身分匿名與視覺匿名,本研究主要是探討團體的影響是否會因為溝通媒介的不同、匿名的不同而有所改變,使得個體有不一樣的感受與行為反應。
Virtual World is a communication media which is similar to the real world. It contains not only the interaction method in real life but also the characteristics of computer mediated communication. The anonymity is a kind of characteristic status which cannot be identified by people. It includes anonymity and visual anonymity depending on the difference of hidden information. The research mainly observes that whether the group influence is changed by the difference of communication media or anonymity, and makes the individual have different feeling and behavior.

A 2*2*2 experimental design was conducted. The three independent variables were “communication media (virtual world vs. real world),” anonymity (yes vs. no) and visual anonymity (yes vs. no). The dependent variables contain the individual’s feelings, including the emotion, social presence and fear of isolation; and the individual’s behavior, including uninhibited behavior and conformity. The researcher arranges three disguised participants to discuss with the real participants, and hold the opposite points of view against the real participants to observe the feelings and behavior of the real participants in the group.

The results demonstrate that the feelings and behavior become obviously different when the real participants have group interaction via different communication media, the individual is comparatively not accessible to be influenced and changed in the group of virtual world. The anonymity has different level of influence comparing with the visual anonymity: the individual feels happiness and is willing to share his point of view while discussing with others when he/she possesses the anonymity; and the individual has low social presence and is apt to have uninhibited behavior when he/she possesses the visual anonymity. The research shows that the communication media, anonymity and visual anonymity interact with each other when they are in group interaction process. The researcher deems that the group of virtual world-anonymity-visual anonymity is better in group discussion, because it has more frequent interaction and discussion of participants, the individual has happier feelings, and it urges the most points of view and ideas in the group.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 團體影響 6
一、 從眾行為 6
二、 沉默螺旋 8
三、 其他影響 10
四、 小結 11
第二節 溝通媒介之特性 12
一、 社會臨場感 12
二、 屏蔽效果 13
三、 匿名性 14
四、 虛擬世界環境 15
五、 小結 16
第三節 媒介與團體的相互影響 17
一、 媒介的選擇與線上的團體討論 17
二、 SIDE 去個人化的社會認同模式 21
三、 去抑制化行為 23
四、 小結 25
第四節 研究推論 26
第三章 研究方法 30
第一節 研究設計 30
一、 研究架構 30
二、 研究問題與假設 31
三、 研究變項 32
第二節 實驗設計 35
一、 研究對象之篩選 35
二、 實驗環境 36
三、 實驗流程 38
四、 實驗工具 39
五、 實驗任務 40
六、 共謀者安排與訓練 44
七、 前測實驗 46
八、 正式實驗 47
第三節 質性訪談 47
一、 開放式題目 47
二、 互動觀察記錄 48
三、 訪談資料 48
第四章 研究結果 50
第一節 互動者的感受 50
一、 情緒感受 50
二、 社會臨場感 56
三、 害怕孤立 59
第二節 互動者的行為 61
一、 去抑制化行為 61
二、 從眾行為 64
第三節 開放式問題 67
第五章 討論、結論與建議 74
第一節 研究發現與討論 74
第二節 結論 90
第三節 研究限制 93
第四節 未來研究方向建議 93

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