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論文名稱(外文):Myopathic Mutations in Desmin Promotes Filament Aggregation with The Potential to Activate Caspase-6 and Change Mitochondrial Morphology
外文關鍵詞:desminmitochondriadesmin-related myopathycaspase-6aggregation
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Caspase cleavage of several intermediate filament (IF) proteins generates proteolytic fragments that characterize apoptosis as shown for lamins and vimentin. These fragments affect IF assembly in a way that promotes filament aggregation. The hypothesis is that disease-causing mutations in IF proteins and subsequent characteristic histopathological aggregates could involve caspase cleavage of IF proteins. Desmin is a type III IF protein that is expressed mainly in the muscle cells. Heterozygous missense mutations in the desmin gene cause desmin-related myopathy (DRM), a progressive muscle wasting disease. The pathological hallmark of DRM is cytoplasmic desmin-containing aggregates in skeletal and cardiac muscles. The expression of mutant desmin induced filament aggregation and mitochondrial clumping. Accompanied with these changes were caspase activation and desmin proteolysis. In this study, I have demonstrated that desmin is cleaved specifically by caspase-6 at VEMD263 and produces two major cleavage products. While the C-terminal desmin (C-desmin) is unable to assemble into filaments, the N-terminal desmin (N-desmin) forms aggregates and interfere with normal IF assembly. When transiently expressed into a range of cultured cell lines, N-desmin formed cytoplasmic aggregates that also disrupted the endogenous IF networks of desmin, consistent with its effect in vitro. In addition, I have generated a neo-epitope antibody that recognized caspase-cleaved but not the intact desmin. This antibody revealed the presence of the N-desmin in a subset of transfected cells expressing myopathic desmin mutants. Furthermore, expression of mutants induces a cellular stress response and alters mitochondrial morphology. Taken together, these data suggest that the integrity of IF is a key sensor for cell homeostasis and their functional interaction with mitochondria and cell death signaling pathway are central to the progressive muscle degeneration seen in human desminopathies.
Abstract I
致謝 II
Abbreviation III
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Desmin, The Muscle-Specific IF Protein 1
1.2 Desmin Functions Revealed by Knockout Mice 3
1.3 Desmin Related-Myopathy 3
1.4 Desmin Mutation Spectrum 7
1.5 In Vitro Studies of DRM 7
1.6 Crystallinopathy Caused by R120G Mutation in αB-crystallin 9
1.7 Transgenic Mice for DRM Investigation 10
1.8 Caspase Cleavage and It’s Potential roles in DRM 11
1.9 Mitochondria Morphology and Association with DRM 13
1.10 Outline of This Study 16
Chapter 2: Material and Method 19
2.1 Plasmids Construction and Site-Directed Mutagensis 19
2.2 Expression and Purification of Recombinant Proteins 19
2.3 Purification of Recombinant Caspases 21
2.4 Caspases Cleavage of Intermediate Filament Proteins in Vitro 22
2.5 Cell Culture and Transient Transfection 22
2.6 Generation of Polyclonal Antibodies 23
2.7 Immunofluorescence Microscopy 24
2.8 Cellular Fractionation 25
2.9 Immunoprecipitation 26
2.10 Immunoblotting 27
2.11 SDS-PAGE and Coomassie Blue Staining 27
2.12 Mitochondrial Fractionation 28
2.13 MitoTracker® Red 29
2.14 JC-1 Assay for Flow Cytometer 29
2.15 Computational System for Definition of Mitochondrial Morphology 30
Chapter 3: Previous Results 32
3.1 Biochemical Characterization of Anti-desmin Antibody 32
3.2 Effect of Desmin Mutations upon Intermediate Filament Assembly in Vitro 32
3.3 Desmin Mutants Disrupt IF Networks 33
Chapter 4: Results 36
4.1 Purification of Recombinant Caspase and in Vitro Cleavage Assay 36
4.2 Biochemical Characterization of Neoepitope Antibody Specific to Caspase-generated N-desmin Fragment 37
4.3 N-desmin disrupted the endogenous IF network of demin in C2C12 and BHK21 Cells 37
4.4 Transient Transfection of HeLa Cells as a Cell Death Model to Study Apoptosis 38
4.5 Desmin Mutants Form N-desmin-positive Cytoplasmic Aggregate 40
4.6 Further Examination the Process of Aggregation 40
4.7 Investigating Disruption of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential 42
4.8 Analyze the Mitochondrial Morphology by Computational Method 44
Chapter 5: Discussion 47
5.1 Caspase-generated N-desmin Promote Filament Aggregation 47
5.2 Progress of Aggregation induced by Mutant Desmin 49
5.3 Mitochondrial-Dependent Apoptotic Model for DRM 51
5.4 Mitochondria Morphology is Influenced by Desmin Aggregates 53
5.5 Hypothesized model 56
5.6 Future Prospect 57
References 60
Figures 76
Fig. 1 Purification and characterization of recombinant caspase 3 and 6. 76
Fig. 2 Characterization of caspase cleavage site specific antibody specific to the N-terminal desmin. 77
Fig. 3 Detection of N-Desmin in cells using the D264 antibody. 78
Fig. 4 Proteolytic desmin fragments produced in HeLa cells transfected with desmin mutants. 81
Fig. 5 Activation of Caspases in transfected HeLa cells. 83
Fig. 6 N-desmin is a component of cytoplasmic desmin aggregate. 84
Fig. 7 Filament and aggregates patterns in C2C12 cells transfected with either WT or mutant desmin. 85
Fig. 8 Aggregation kinetics of WT or mutant desmin in C2C12 cells. 86
Fig. 9 The cytochrome C release occurred while C2C12 cell transfected with desmin construct. 88
Fig. 10 The disruption of mitochondrial potential was not obvious in C2C12 with transfection of mutant desmin. 90
Fig. 11 The membrane potential decreased mush more significantly while over expressing WT desmin than desmin variants. 92
Fig. 12 Used computational method to verify the trend of mitochondrial fragmentation in C2C12 cells transfected with exogenous desmin. 94
Fig. 13 Preliminary quantify the number and area of mitochondria of C2C12 cells while transfected with Myc-WT desmin or variant. 99
Fig. 14 Hypothesized model of DRM. 103
Appendix 104
Appendix 1. Characterization of anti-desmin antibodies. 104
Appendix 2. Effect of desmin mutations upon IF assembly in vitro. 105
Appendix 3. Expression of Myc-tagged mutant desmin resulted in the formation of cytoplasmic aggregates in C2C12 cells. 106
Appendix 4. Analysis of Myc-tagged WT and mutant desmin expression in transfected C2C12 cells by immunoblotting. 106
Appendix 5. Aggregation kinetics of WT or mutant desmin in C2C12 cells. 108
Appendix 6. Detail raw data of JC-1 assay analyzed by flow cytometry. 109
Appendix 7. Detail information of MicroP analysis. 111
Appendix 8. Desmin structure and mutation spectrum 112
Appendix 9. A proposed model of mitochondrial morphological dynamic. 113
Appendix 10. Mitochondrial dynamics mechanism 113
Appendix 11. Primary antibodies list 114
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