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作者(外文):Chen, Ya-Tse
論文名稱(外文):Establishment and Characterization of a New Cell Line (HM-1) from Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Uterine Cervix
指導教授(外文):Chuang, Yung-Jen
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chuang-Rung
Chan, Hong-Lin
外文關鍵詞:Neuroendocrine tumor of uterine cervixForkhead box M1MDM2nutlin-3CCRT-EP5+
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Neuroendocrine tumor of uterine cervix (NTUC) is a relative rare subtype of cervical cancer. In comparison to other subtypes of gynecologic cancers, such as squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, the NTUC is much more aggressive. Consequently, patients of NTUC have poor prognosis.
In collaboration with gynecologic oncologists at Hsinchu branch of MacKay memorial hospital, we obtained a tissue sample of suspected NTUC from a 75-year-old patient. Using enzymatic and mechanical dissociation methods, we established the primary culture (HM-1) from this specimen, and the STR analysis result showed that HM-1 is a novel cancer cell line. HM-1 cells are bipolar or multipolar and showed fibroblast-like, elongated and spindle shape, which is different to common types of cervical cancer. In addition, we found HM-1 has a cell doubling time of 34 hours, which is significantly longer than the 19 hours cell doubling time of the common cervical cancer HeLa cells. Immunocytochemical staining validated that high expression level of the neuroendocrine marker, neuroendocrine synaptophysin (SYP), was present in the HM-1 cells, which suggested that HM-1 cells were originated from neuroendocrine cells. In addition, the presence of human papillomavirus 16 (HPV16) was detected in HM-1 cells, suggesting its potential association with HPV infection. To test its tumorigenesis capacity, the HM-1 cells were subcutaneously inoculated into BALB/c female nude mice. The result showed the HM-1 cells could proliferate in vivo, with a tumor volume doubling time of 13 days, which was higher than that HeLa.
In term of anti-cancer drug sensitivity, Docetaxel has the highest inhibitory effect on HM-1 cell viability, followed by Cisplatin and Etoposide respectively, while the cells was shown to be least sensitive to Gemcitabine. On the other hand, HM-1 cells were highly sensitive to the combination treatment of etoposide and cisplatin.
In order to develop a more effective treatment, we found that inhibition of MDM2 by nutlin-3 would decreased FoxM1 expression in cervical cancer cell lines CasKi, HeLa and NTUC. Inhibition of MDM2 can also decrease the migration ability of cervical cancer cells. Our findings suggested that the inhibition of MDM2 pathways and FoxM1-dependent pathway may be novel therapeutic targets for cervical cancers, including NTUC. We believe this new neuroendocrine cancer cell line HM-1 will be useful as a research model of NTUC. HM-1-based assay may help in developing effective diagnosis test or therapy for this rare subtype of gynecological malignancy.
Table of contents
中文摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 V
List of Abbreviations XI
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Cervical cancer 1
1.2 Neuroendocrine tumor of uterine cervix and its treatment strategies 2
1.3 Forkhead box M1 (FoxM1) is a tumor progressive and metastatic factor associated with chemotherapy resistance 3
1.4 MDM2/p53/FoxO3 pathway are potential therapeutic targets for various types of cancer 4
1.5 Objectives and significant finding of this study 5
2. Materials and methods 7
2.1 Cancer cell isolation 7
2.2 Cell and culture 8
2.3 STR (Short tandem repeat) analysis 8
2.4 Doubling time assay 8
2.5 Reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR for HPV detection) 9
2.6 Western blot 9
2.7 Immunocytochemistry (ICC for HM-1) 9
2.8 Xenotransplantation 10
2.9 Histological analysis 11
2.10 Drug treatment 11
2.11 MTT assay 11
2.12 Transwell migration assay 12
2.13 Wound healing assay 12
3. Results 14
3.1 Establishment of in vitro HM-1 cells culture 14
3.2 HM-1 is a novel cervical cancer cell line 14
3.3 Morphologic and growth characteristics of HM-1 cells 16
3.4 HM-1 cells show expression of HPV-16 and neuroendocrine markers 16
3.5 Xenotransplantation of HM-1 17
3.6 Combination of etoposide and cisplatin may be potential NETCx treatment 18
3.6.1 Drug sensitivity of HM-1 to anti-cancer drugs 18
3.6.2 Drug sensitivity of HM-1 to combination treatment of etoposide and cisplatin 20
3.7 MDM2 regulate FoxM1 expression to affect mobility of cervical cancer cells 20
4. Discussion 23
4.1 Neuroendocrine tumor are rare neoplasm arising from cells of neuroendocrine system 24
4.2 Specific biochemical markers for neuroendocrine tumor 25
4.3 HPV is the most important risk factor of cervical cancer 26
4.4 Potential chemotherapeutic drugs to NTUC 27
4.5 MDM2/FoxO3/FoxM1 pathway may be a novel treatment strategy for neuroendocrine tumor of uterine cervix. 28
4.6 Perspective of this study 29
Reference : 30

List of figures
Figure 1. : Morphological presentation of HM-1 and other common cervical cancer cells. 33
Figure 2. : A cell growth curve analysis of HM-1. 34
Figure 3. : HPV detection. 35
Figure 4. Western blot and immuno-cytochemical staining showed that HM-1 cells express the neuroendocrine marker, neuroendocrine synaptophysin (SYP). 36
Figure 5. Xeno-transplantation and in vivo tumor growth curve of HM-1 cells. 37
Figure 6. HM-1 xenograft showed histological morphology similar to that of squamous cell carcinoma, Caski. 38
Figure 7. Dose response curves of HM-1 cells exposed to anti-cancer drug. 39
Figure 8. Drug response assay of HM-1 cells exposed to combination treatment of anti-cancer drugs. 40
Figure 9. Hypothesis for the relationship between MDM2-p53 pathway and FoxM1 axis in cancer progression 41
Figure 10. Inhibition of p53-Mdm2 interaction would decrease 2D cell mobility in cervical cancer. 43
Figure 11. Inhibition of MDM2-p53 and MDM2-FoxO3 interaction would decrease 3D cell mobility in cervical cancer. 45
Figure 12. Inhibition of MDM2-p53 and MDM2-FoxO3 interaction would decrease FoxM1 expression in cervical cancer and HM-1 cells. 47

List of Tables
Table 1. RT-PCR primers list 48
Table 2. Antibodies list 49
Table 3. Allele table for the HM-1 cells 50
Table 4. Comparison the STR profile between HM-1 cells and other NET cell lines 51
Table 5. Comparison the STR profile between HM-1 cells and ATCC database 52
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