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論文名稱(中文):How can MNCs conquer culture differences in diffusing green among their worldwide subsidiaries? (跨國企業如何克服文化差異並將綠色營運模式導入其全球子公司)
中文關鍵詞:green supply chain managementGSCMMultinational CorporationMNCsCultural distanceHofstedeNational cultural dimensionsTRM approach
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In view of the increasing importance of environmental sustainability, green supply chain management (GSCM) has become one of the main focuses of enterprises. However, when it comes to the case of a Multinational Corporation (MNC), green supply chain management among its worldwide subsidiaries is much more challenging. MNCs are composed of subsidiaries located in culturally different nations, and this feature could be either pros or cons. The cultural distance between headquarters and subsidiaries is very likely to affect how headquarters transfer mission to their subsidiaries, hence influence whether they can successfully cooperate with one another in green supply chain management. This research aims to investigate whether the national cultural distance has a strong influence on MNC subsidiaries’ green supply chain management, and how headquarters can alleviate the influence. We collected data from 141 subsidiaries of an MNC to test our research model. Based on our results, we found that cultural distance indeed has a negative impact on headquarter-subsidiary green compatibility. However, we propose that headquarters can conquer the cultural-distance problem by strengthening shared vision in response to each distinctive cultural background embedded in their subsidiaries. This study offers a managerial insight that headquarters can eventually benefit from the cross-national cooperation if they can take cultural characteristics into consideration when diffusing green with a mechanism that best suits local circumstances.
In view of the increasing importance of environmental sustainability, green supply chain management (GSCM) has become one of the main focuses of enterprises. However, when it comes to the case of a Multinational Corporation (MNC), green supply chain management among its worldwide subsidiaries is much more challenging. MNCs are composed of subsidiaries located in culturally different nations, and this feature could be either pros or cons. The cultural distance between headquarters and subsidiaries is very likely to affect how headquarters transfer mission to their subsidiaries, hence influence whether they can successfully cooperate with one another in green supply chain management. This research aims to investigate whether the national cultural distance has a strong influence on MNC subsidiaries’ green supply chain management, and how headquarters can alleviate the influence. We collected data from 141 subsidiaries of an MNC to test our research model. Based on our results, we found that cultural distance indeed has a negative impact on headquarter-subsidiary green compatibility. However, we propose that headquarters can conquer the cultural-distance problem by strengthening shared vision in response to each distinctive cultural background embedded in their subsidiaries. This study offers a managerial insight that headquarters can eventually benefit from the cross-national cooperation if they can take cultural characteristics into consideration when diffusing green with a mechanism that best suits local circumstances.
1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………1
2. LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………………3
2.1 Multinational corporations (MNC) and Green Supply Chain Management..3
2.2 Culture and MNC Performance……………………………………………5
3.1.1 National Culture………………………………………………………7
3.1.2 Cultural Distance……………………………………………………...8
3.2 Research Model……………………………………………………………9
3.3 Total Responsibility Management (TRM)………………………………...14

4. METHODOLOGY……………………………………………………………16
4.1 Target MNC………………………………………………………………..16
4.2 Data Collection…………………………………………………………….17
4.3 Measurement………………………………………………………………17
5. DATA ANALYSIS………………………………………………………………22
5.1 Hypotheses Testing Results………………………………………………..22
5.2 Post-Hoc Analysis…………………………………………………………24
6. DISCUSSION…………………………………………………………………30
7. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………34

TABLE 1. Prior research of Companies’ Green practices in different levels………....4
TABLE 2. Prior research of culture on MNC innovation adoption or performance…..6
TABLE 3 Variances of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions ….…………………………18
TABLE 4 Countries of Participating Subsidiaries ……………………………..……19
TABLE 5 Reliability and Convergent Validity of Reflective Constructs……………20
TABLE 6 Reflective Constructs: Discriminant Validity of Instruments…………….22

FIGURE 1. Research Model…………………………………………………………..9
FIGURE 2 Results of structural model (H1-H4)…………………………………….23
FIGURE 3 Results of structural model (H1-H5)…………………………………….24
FIGURE 4 Results of post-hoc Analysis……………………………………………..30

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