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作者(外文):Tai, Yu Ting
論文名稱(外文):Automatic Content Analysis Using Text Mining to Investigate How News Events Trigger the Response of Society
指導教授(外文):Lin, Fu Ren
口試委員(外文):Ray, Soumya
Shmueli, Galit
外文關鍵詞:SummarizationText MiningAutomatic Content AnalysisFood safetyFocused Conversation MethodORIDSocial Learning
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  • 評分評分:*****
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In recent years, the crisis of food safety events continued happened in interval. There are three main food safety events, in sequence, “Plasticizer”, “Poison starch” and “Fake oil”. However, the related news reports are too enormous to be digested efficiently by the readers. In addition, it’s interested to know if similar events happen again, would they learn something from the past experiences and responds in a different way.
This study aimed to propose a system that can automatic analyze the related news belonging to the same topic. First, this study presents the opinions of each stakeholder on each period of the news development by clustering. Second, this system extracts the important content of news reports using summarization and provides the summarization of each news event to readers. Finally, this study combines the system with Focused Conversation Method (ORID) to evaluate the effective of the system and to explore the response of readers to the news events.
With the facility of the system that we proposed, the readers can understand the development of news event efficiently and recall their feeling, thought, and reaction for the news events at the moment that the event happened.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 3
1.3 Research Objectives 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Automatic Content Analysis 5
2.2 Text Summarization 6
2.3 Clustering Algorithm 8
2.3.1 Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) 8
2.3.2 Other Clustering Methods 9
2.4 Focused Conversation Method (ORID) 11
Chapter 3 System Framework and Methodology 14
3.1 Definition 15
3.2 System Architecture 16
3.3 Data Acquisition 18
3.4 Preprocessing 19
3.4.1 Word segmentation 19
3.4.2 Term Aggregation 19
3.4.3 Feature Selection 21
3.5 Opinion Extraction 22
3.6 Clustering 27
3.7 Summarization 28
3.8 Content Analysis 28
Chapter 4 System Implementation and Results 30
4.1 Data Source 30
4.2 System Implementation 30
4.3 Results 33
Chapter 5 Evaluation and Results 39
5.1 Evaluation Design 39
5.2 Evaluation Results 42
5.2.1 The understanding of news events 42
5.2.2 The change of response of each reader for three events 44
5.2.3 The change of response of stakeholders for three events 46
5.3 Discussions 50
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 51
References 53
Appendix A. Contents Presented to Subject in Round 1 57
Appendix B. Summarization Results and Contents Presented to Subject in Round 2 60
Appendix C. ORID Interview Transcript in Round 1 64
Appendix D. ORID Interview Transcript in Round 2 72
Appendix E. Opinions of Stakeholders Cross Three Events 84
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