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作者(外文):Tang, Yun Chia
論文名稱(外文):The Influences and Effects of Mobile-Social Word-of-Mouth Marketing in Social Community
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Hung Chang
外文關鍵詞:Word of mouthSocial mediaCheck-in servicesSoLoMo communicationAdvertising effect
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Word-of-mouth communication (WOM) is considered as an important issue for marketing researchers. Nowadays, because of the increasing trend of the mobile commerce, more and more marketers also notice the power of mobile-social word-of-mouth marketing. Through the positive WOM to influence other potential customers has been considered as an effective marketing mode. As more and more marketers incorporate social media as an integral part to align engagement strategy in consumers' electronic WOM (e-WOM), the mobile-social word-of-mouth marketing has emerged.
However, in the context of mobile-social WOM, it is still not clear how these factors works and only limited research has been published regarding e-WOM communication on social media, and few studies explore the effects of check-in service and to investigate this scope at the perspective of mobile advertising elements toward advertising effect.
Hence, this dissertation intends to explore the roles and influences of mobile word-of-mouth marketing in social media community. Also, by studying the influences of mobile-social word-of-mouth marketing, this dissertation will recruit mobile and online social media respondents, and divide into three studies. Study 1 investigates the determinants of consumers' intention to share marketing information on the social media. The results suggest that tie strength, contents with utilitarian value and hedonic value, characteristic of the audiences and transmission channel affects the willing to share information significantly. This study also intends to produce findings that deserve considerable attention from marketers seeking to implement e-WOM campaigns on social media. Study 2 focuses on the effects of SoLoMo features during check-in, the results indicate that self-disclosure, expressive support, and self-congruity positively relate to utilitarian value; instrumental support positively relates to hedonic value; and both hedonic and utilitarian values positively relate to continuance intention and re-patronage intention. However, sales promotion has no significant influence on both hedonic and utilitarian check-in values. These findings provide managerial implications for practitioners who want to design check-in services to attract or communicate with consumers. Study 3 investigates that the four main factors (entertainment, infrmativeness, credibility and personalization) of mobile advertising toward advertising effect are discussed under different context of product type (search/ experience product). The results show that among higher proportion of all main attributes in SoLoMo communication, search products will generate higher advertising effect than experience products. Finally, the implications of the findings from three studies for both academic and practitioner are discussed.
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Questions and Purposes 4
2.1 Mobile-Social Word-of-Mouth Marketing 7
2.2 Factors Influence the Effects of Mobile Word-of-Mouth 7
2.3 SoLoMo Factors of Mobile Check-in 8
2.4 Effects of SoLoMo Advertising Factors 12
2.5 Research Model and Hypotheses Development 13
2.5.1 Study 1: The Influence of Determining Factors on Social Media 14
2.5.2 Study 2: The Influence of Check-in Services on Social Media 21
2.5.3 Study 3: The Influence of Communication Factors on Social Media 26
3.1 Online Survey and Facebook Applications 33
3.2 Measures 33
3.3 Study 1: The Influence of Determining Factors on Social Media 34
3.3.1 Pretest 34
3.3.2 Experimental Design, Procedures, and Measures for Study 1 35
3.3.3 Data Analysis and Results 36
3.4 Study 2: The Influence of Check-in Services on Social Media 40
3.4.1 Sample 40
3.4.2 Measures for Study 2 40
3.4.3 Data Analysis and Results 42
3.5 Study 3: The Influence of Communication Factors on Social Media 45
3.5.1 Sample 46
3.5.2 Measures for Study 3 46
3.5.3 Data Analysis and Results 47
4.1 General Conclusions 53
4.2 Implications 53
4.2 Limitations and Further Directions 57
References 59
Appendix A. Designed Questionnaire for Study 1 71
Appendix B. Measure Items for Study 2 74
Appendix C. Designed Questionnaire for Study 3 76
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