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論文名稱(外文):Developing Taiwan’s Emerging Industry by Means of Global Technology Layout:The Case of Biobutanols
外文關鍵詞:BiofuelBiobutanolAlgal BiomassBiorefinery
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  • 點閱點閱:338
  • 評分評分:*****
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Biomass energy compared to traditional fossil fuels, can reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and its sulfur content is low. Compared with other renewable energy sources, biomass energy production technology is mature and widely used, and is highly compatible with existing energy facilities such as hardware and software, has the ability to replace transport fuels.
Wherein biobutaonl could be used as a fuel additive, and plastic important industrial raw chemical also. Annually in the past 10 to 12 billions of pounds of biobutanol is made from the petrochemical raw materials and demand may still increase. Development of biobutanol, non-food use of inexpensive carbon substrates to achieve economic viability is important.
Taiwan surrounded by sea should try to develop algae as biomass. Since algae is light self-creatures, with "bio-refinery" concept point of view, not only can extract algae oil, polysaccharide fermentation to produce fuels, but also to get rich DHA Omega-3 fatty acids and other ingredients, and these ingredients can be as precious food additives. If development of biomass energy is success, it will become the sustainable production of biofuels.
Finally, biomass energy technologies might have things in common, even using different biomass or producing different target products, technology or bacteria stain may be able to flow with each other, which can enhance the value of technology research and development. For example, knowledge of butanol production can be used to produce other high chain alcohols such as amyl alcohol.

Key words: Biofuel, Biobutanol, Algal Biomass, Biorefinery
摘要 i
Abstract ii
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 2
壹 動機 2
貳 目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第一節 生質能 5
壹 定義 5
貳 生物精煉(bio-refinery) 9
參 纖維素生質能 11
肆 藻類生質能 11
第二節 生質丁醇 12
壹 丁醇的應用 13
貳 技術與發展 13
參 國外主要廠商 16
第三章 研究方法 18
第一節 研究方法 18
第二節 研究架構 18
壹 研究假設與限制 18
貳 研究步驟 19
第四章 生質能源與技術 22
第一節 生物質 22
壹 糖蜜與澱粉 23
貳 纖維素生物質 23
參 藻類生物質 25
第二節 反應流程 25
壹 上游處理 26
貳 醱酵 30
參 下游處理 32
肆 其他可改善結果的方法 33
第三節 國外廠商技術專利分析 34
壹 專利地圖 34
貳 技術分類 40
第五章 結論與建議 41
第一節 專利分析 41
第二節 台灣生質能 41
第三節 結論 42
第四節 建議 43
參考資料或文獻 44
中文文獻 44
英文文獻 44
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