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作者(外文):Huang, In-Tin
論文名稱(外文):How to evaluate advertising effect of SoLoMo communication?
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Hung-Chang
口試委員(外文):Fang, You-Ping
Li, Jheng-Jhong
外文關鍵詞:SoLoMo communicationEntertainmentInformativenessCredibilityPersonalizationAdvertising effectSearch product and experience product
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自2008年智慧型手機與行動網路的普及,人們溝通與互動媒介漸漸從電腦轉移到行動裝置。身為網路行銷人員,專注在一般網頁瀏覽器、電子郵件與顧客的互動或是實體促銷活動已不再能滿足現代消費者的使用情境。因此SoLoMo (So社群、Lo適地性、Mo行動性) 溝通模式應運而生;透過智慧型裝置(Mobile)的個人性與行動性,加上當地即時的資訊內容(Local)、搭配快速興起的社群媒體(Social),將虛實整合(O2O, online to offline)情境落實,提供消費者更豐富、創意與意想不到的行銷溝通。國外不乏實際案例,如2010年Mini Cooper在斯德哥爾摩城市舉辦的「Mini Getaway」 行銷活動,每位參賽者下載活動APP即可參加追逐虛擬Mini Countryman車款房車,若到最後活動日仍然持有此虛擬車,即可贏得真正的一台房車!透過遊戲的主題性(Advergame)包裝、GPS定位(location-based)與社群媒體(social media)的病毒式傳播,達到品牌態度與知名度的提升,也對新車款上市達成另類的宣傳效果。本研究將SoLoMo鎖定為行動式廣告溝通的新態勢,根據Lasswell古典溝通理論─”who says what to whom in which channel with what effect” 的架構下探討SoLoMo行動廣告溝通中的四大要素「娛樂性、資訊性、可靠性與個人化」在不同的產品類別情境下(搜尋品、經驗品) 如何影響行動廣告之廣告效果。 研究分析結果顯示,在娛樂性、資訊性、可靠性與個人化於SoLoMo的設計成分較高時,皆以搜尋品情境下產生的廣告效果比經驗品來得好。
The evolution of mobile devices arising from the explosive dissemination of Smart phones is widely changing life as we know it. In particular, as marketers, the traditional digital marketing such as emails or pop-out banners on websites can no longer fully satisfied today’s context of consumers’ behavior. Therefore, SoLoMo communication, containing Social, Local and Mobile attributes, is born. With the mobility of Smart devices, location-based information and fast-prevalence social media, marketers can provide more creative and surprising marketing communication with customers, fulfilling the perfect combination of virtual and real world (O2O, online to offline). Take “Mini Getaway”, marketing campaign held by Mini cooper in Stockholm for example, which is composed of Advergame theme of the event, GPS (location-based and) and viral marketing via social media (social) to boost customers’ brand attitude and brand awareness. As long as participants download the APP, they can join and chase after the virtual new-released Mini Countryman car. Once the player possesses the virtual car till the end of the event, he/ she can actually win back a real Mini Countryman! This study defines SoLoMo as one up-rising type of communication; consequently, the classical communication theory (Lasswell) is adopted. The four main factors (entertainment, infrmativeness, credibility and personalization) of mobile advertising toward advertising effect are discussed under different context of product type (search/ experience product). The results show that among higher proportion of all main attributes in SoLoMo communication, search products will generate higher advertising effect than experience products.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
2. Theoretical Issues 4
2.1 SoLoMo 4
2.2 SoLoMo as Communication 5
2.3 SoLoMo as Mobile Advertising 6
2.4 Advertising Effect 8
2.5 Product Type 9
2.6 SoLoMo communication Factors 10
2.6.1 Entertainment 11
2.6.2 Informativeness 13
2.6.3 Credibility 15
2.6.4 Personalization 16
2.7 Theoretical Framework 17
3. Methodology 18
3.1 Questionnaire Design 18
3.2 Data Collection 19
3.3 Measures 20
4. Analysis 21
4.1 Reliability and Validity 21
4.2 Hypotheses Tests 23
4.2.1 Impact of Entertainment and Product Type on Advertising Effect 25
4.2.2 Impact of Informativeness and Product Type on Advertising Effect 25
4.2.3 Impact of Credibility and Product Type on Advertisement Effect 26
4.2.4 Impact of Personalization and Product Type on Advertisement Effect 27
5. Conclusion 28
5.1 Discussion 28
5.2 Limitation and Future Directions 29
Appendix 31
References 33
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