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作者(外文):Lo, Wei-Shen
論文名稱(外文):Agenda-Setting as Framing
指導教授(外文):Hung, Shih-Chang
外文關鍵詞:Agenda-SettingFramingAgenda incentiveEventsPolicy marketing
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在現今社會,是個重視人民聲音與自主的時代,因此政策行銷是一個非常重要的政治工具。其中「議題設定」(Agenda-Setting)在媒體的佈局上對於政策有莫大的影響。政治家和領導人可以經由公開設定某些特別的議題,來告訴人們該想什麼,進而得到動員群眾的力量,借此推廣其想要執行的政策。大眾媒體中的報章雜誌,是議題設定的重要媒介。政府官員通常有許多面對媒體或群眾的機會,在公開場合、網路社群、媒體雜誌採訪等等來強調、型塑議題的方向。透過媒體持續不斷的報導某些重大議題,並引發一連串議題討論,會讓議題變得更具爭議性,可以對聽眾或讀者產生類似「催眠式」或是「洗腦式」的動員與改變效果。(洪世章、曾詠青, 2013)
1972年,Maxwell McCombs與Donald L. Shaw為議題設定一詞開啟了迄今超過三十餘年(1972-現今)的研究途徑。然而議題設定一詞並非McCombs與Shaw所獨創,非這兩人最早提出,也非這兩人所獨有,只是因為這三十餘年來的文獻積累與既定論述,使得議題設定成為McCombs與Shaw的代稱。

In today's society, it is a great importance to the people's voice and autonomy era, so the marketing policy is a very important political tool. While "Agenda-Setting" in the layout of the media, has a great influence on the policy. Politicians and leaders can set some particular through public agenda, telling people what to think, and then get the strong power to mobilize the masses, thereby promoting policies they want to perform. Mass media in newspapers and magazines, the media agenda setting is important. Government officials often have many opportunities to face the media or the masses, in public, online communities, media magazine interview, etc. to emphasize issues shaping the direction. Continuing coverage of certain major issues through the media and sparked a series of topics for discussion, will become more controversial topics, listeners or readers can have a similar "Hypnotic" or alter the effect of mobilization and "brainwashing" in.(Hung & Tseng, 2013)
In 1972, Maxwell McCombs and Donald L. Shaw term Agenda-Setting for the order to open far more than three dozen years(1972-Current)research avenues. However, the term Agenda-Setting that McCombs and Shaw are not original, first proposed that the two non- nor unique to these two people, just because of more than thirty years with the established literature plot cumulative discourse, making agenda setting becomes McCombs and Shaw 's in lieu of that.
By constantly looking for information and references, I hope to sort out the issues set theory as a whole to improve. So I will be planned out that this essay:
1.A complete set of issues under the framing.
2.Agenda incentive, how to guide agenda by events.
3.Policy(Marketing)agenda-setting process.
4.Trends of the current study.
5.The current research topics of obstacles.

Keywords: Agenda-Setting, Framing, Agenda incentive, Events, Setting barriers, Policy marketing, Persuasion
致謝詞 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 導論 1
第一節 研究目的 1
第二節 研究問題 2
第三節 研究方法 2
第二章 構框理論 7
第一節 何謂構框理論? 7
2.1.1 構框(Framing) 7
2.1.2 構框的策略性應用 7
第二節 構框層級 8
2.2.1構框(Framing)與框架(Frame) 8
2.2.2 微觀層級 12
2.2.3 中間層級 13
2.2.4 總體層級 14
第三節 策略會議 15
2.3.1 會議(Meeting) 16
2.3.2 情節(Episode) 17
2.3.3 第一部分:策略會議的特色 19
2.3.4 第二部份:會議結構的分類 23
第三章 文獻探討 25
第一節 何謂議題設定? 25
3.1.1 議題設定之源起、理論 25
3.1.2 議題設定之研究範圍、領域 26
3.1.3 議題設定之內涵、步驟、模式 36
第二節 整合性研究 37
3.2.1 議題誘因 37
3.2.2 事件 39
3.2.3 設定障礙 42
第三節 觀念性架構 44
第四章 個案分析 48
第一節 首長訪談 Interview PDF for research 48
4.1.1 前農委會林享能主委 48
4.1.2 時任經濟部長次長黃重球 50
4.1.3 時任李鴻源政務員 52
4.1.4 時任科顧組陳炳煇執秘 54
4.1.5 時任中研院陳建仁副院長 56
第二節 會議記錄節錄 59
第五章 結論與建議 71
參考文獻 74

圖 1、Summary of meeting data set 18
圖 2、Meeting Initiation Practices and Their Implications 19
圖 3、Meeting Conduct Practices and Their Implications 21
圖 4、Meeting Termination Practices and Their Implications 22
圖 5、The role of meetings in the social practice of strategy. 24
圖 6、國際社會化與研究議題設定之分析 32
圖 7、Role of Advertising: Persuasion or Agenda-Setting? 35
圖 8、The Emergence of American Political Issues: The Agenda-Setting Function of the Press 41
圖 9、Typology of campaign audiences and likely media effects on each type 43
圖 10、議題設定構框觀念性架構 47

表 1 1 以質化方法進行研究之議題設定相關論文整理 3
表 1 2 研究策略與問題類型 4
表 2 1 Putting Framing in Perspective:A Review of Framing and Frame Analysis across the Management and Organizational Literature 9

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