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作者(外文):Ming-Yang Pan
論文名稱(外文):Applications of Nanostructure-Excited Surface Plasmon: Waveguides and Bio-Sensors
外文關鍵詞:surface plasmon resonancebio-sensorplasmonic waveguide
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本研究主題為利用奈米金屬結構激發表面電漿, 並應用於波導與生醫感測器。本文依表面電漿激發架構分成兩大部分: 奈米孔洞近場激發及週期結構耦合。 在首個章節, 我簡單介紹表面電漿的光學特性及常見耦合方法, 並從應用領域的觀點出發, 探討適用於波導及生醫感測器的激發與量測架構。
在波導研究方面, 我利用可變波長近場激發系統搭配洩漏輻射顯微鏡來研究表面電漿波導中的模態特性, 在第三章中呈現各波段在介電質負載表面電漿波導中的傳播長度、 多模態波導自我干涉圖形量測與不同波長的表面電漿在雙波導結構中的耦合特性研究。 此架構展現出在應用上的優勢, 如即時觀測、 激發波長與位置可調, 以及低背景雜訊。 基於此架設, 我在第四章示範了雙層表面電漿波導的開發工作, 此波導建立於一高一低折射率的介電質材料, 從數值模擬和實驗中證明了 表面電漿在其中傳播時, 它能降低傳輸損耗, 跟單層介電質負載表面電漿波導在同樣條件下比較, 傳播長度增加為 1.6 倍。
在生醫檢測器部分, 我利用 週期性奈米金屬結構耦合表面電漿波, 利用它對表面折射率敏銳的特性應用於抗體檢測。 我使用 奈米壓印技術在塑膠基板上製作該結構, 大幅了減少製作成本與時間。 在光學特性方面, 此結構能產生多種表面電漿模態, 藉由模態耦合效應在穿透光譜中產生一非對稱的峰值。 此激發架構優勢在於能改變結構參數調控共振波長, 達到模態耦合, 進而提升折射率靈敏度。本文在第五章示範如何利用 在雙週期金網格結構中的菲諾共振推測表面抗原/抗體的有效折射率及厚度, 我提出傳播波法利用光學路徑修正得到精確的表面電漿傳播常數, 能準確的計算出表面折射率及厚度, 跟環境靈敏度法相較之下, 傳播波法在介電質層較厚的條件下擁有較高的準確性。在第六章, 我首度將數位檢測的概念引入表面電漿偵測。 藉由棋盤式的結構設計, 實驗與模擬結果皆顯示偏振相干的表面電漿能在特定區域中被激發, 隨後,這些棋盤格被用來當作檢測單元, 在經過單元大小與靈敏度的優化之下, 我使用了 12.5 微米邊長的檢測單元進行抗體偵測實驗, 數位偵測相較類比偵測, 提升了 1000 倍的偵測極限與 100 倍的動態範圍, 此方法適用於偵測極低濃度且分布不均勻的待測樣品。
This dissertation contains the studies of metallic nanostructure-excited surface plasmon polaritions (SPPs), surface plasmon resonances (SPR), and their applications for the waveguides and bio-sensors. Chapters were assorted according to the excitation configurations: nanohole near-field excitation and periodic nanostructure
coupling. In the first chapter, I introduced the basic optical properties of surface plasmon and methods for SPPs/SPR excitation. After that, form the viewpoint of application, I conferred on the suitable configuration to exciting and measuring SPs in waveguides and bio-sensors.
In the studies of waveguides, I used a combination of wavelength-tunable near-field excitation system and leakage radiation microscopy to study the mode properties in plasmonic waveguides. In the Chapter 3, wavelength dependent propagation length, multimode interference, and coupling length in a dual waveguide in a dielectric-loaded SPP waveguide (DLSPPW) were presented. This configuration shows its advantage in real-time plasmonic waveguide characterization with tunable wavelength and excitation positions, and low background noise. Based on these, in Chapter 4, I introduced the two-layer DLSPPW (TDLSPPW). This waveguide consisted of two dielectric layers (high-index/low-index) on a silver film. Experimental and simulated results showed it can reduces the transmission loss of propagating SPPs. The propagation length of SPPs in a TDLSPPW provides about 1.6 times longer than in DLSPPW.
In the developing of biosensor, the periodic metallic nanostructures were employed into SPR coupling. Based on the highly sensitive to the environmental refractive index (RI), the SPR was applied in antibodies detections. I used thenanoimprint process to fabricating nanostructure onto plastic substrates. This process has reduced the cost and time of procedure. In the optical properties, the presented structure provides many modes of SPR. By energy coupling between modes, a non-symmetry peak in the transmission spectrum was founded. This excitation
configuration showed the advantage in resonance wavelength- and modes-tunable. It enhanced the RI sensitivity.
In Chapter 5, I demonstrated that how to calculated the effective refractive index and thickness of biomolecular layer by Fano resonance modes using wave equation method in dual-period gold nanogrid arrays. A modified dispersion relation was suggested to getting an accurate propagation constant. By applying it into wave
equation, thickness determined by wave equation method is more accurate than by bulk sensitivity method.
In Chapter 6, I firstly introduced the concept of digital detection into SPR-based bio-sensor. By a checkerboard design, experimental and simulated results showed that polarization dependent SPR can be excited in a local area. These areas were employed into sensing elements. After the optimization, I used a hunger of 12.5 um × 12.5um sensing elements to detecting antibodies. The experiment showed that limit of the digital detection is about 1000 times lower than traditional analog detection and the dynamic range is about 100 times higher than conventional SPR detection. The proposed method is very useful for detecting ultralow concentration of analytes with non-uniform distribution on the sensor surface.
Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 1
1.1 Introduction to surface plasmon............................................................. 1
1.2 Theories for surface plasmon................................................................. 3
1.2.1 Propagating surface plasmon ................................................................. 4
1.2.2 Excitation of surface plasmons .............................................................. 8
Prism coupling........................................................................................ 8
Grating coupling..................................................................................... 9
Others methods..................................................................................... 10
1.3 Surface plasmon polariton waveguide ................................................. 12
1.3.1 Guiding of surface plasmon waves through nanostructure .................. 13
1.3.2 Applications of surface plasmon waveguide........................................ 15
1.4 Surface plasmon resonance sensor....................................................... 18
1.4.1 Working principles of surface plasmon resonance sensor.................... 18
1.4.2 Performances of surface plasmon resonance sensor ............................ 21
1.4.3 SPR imaging senor............................................................................... 23
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods ......................................................................... 28
2.1 Surface plasmon waveguide ................................................................ 28
2.1.1 Fabrication of surface plasmon waveguide .......................................... 28
2.1.2 Near-field excitation and leakage radiation observing system............. 30
2.2 Surface plasmon resonance sensor....................................................... 31
2.2.1 Fabrication of surface plasmon resonance sensor ................................ 32
2.2.2 System of measurement ....................................................................... 34
Transmission spectrum......................................................................... 34
Hyperspectral imaging system ............................................................. 35
2.2.3 Determination of effective RI and thickness ........................................ 37
Bulk sensitivity method........................................................................ 37
Wave equation method ......................................................................... 38
Chapter 3 Spectral and Mode Properties of Surface Plasmon Polariton
Waveguides Study by Near-field Excitation and Leakage-mode
radiation measurement ......................................................................... 40
3.1 Introduction and motivation................................................................. 40
3.2 Result and discussion........................................................................... 41
3.2.1 Optical properties of DLSPPW............................................................ 41
3.2.2 DLSPPW-based components................................................................ 43
Multimode interference device............................................................. 43
Dual DLSPPWs coupler....................................................................... 46
Chapter 4 Enhancing Surface Plasmon Polariton Propagation by Two-layer
Dielectric-loaded Waveguides on Silver Surface ................................. 49
4.1 Introduction and motivation................................................................. 49
4.2 Result and discussion........................................................................... 50
4.2.1 Modes modeling and calculations ........................................................ 50
4.2.2 Optical properties of TDLSPPW.......................................................... 52
Mode simulation................................................................................... 52
Propagation length & Bending loss...................................................... 55
Chapter 5 Determination of the Effective Index and Thickness of Biomolecular
Layer by Fano-Resonances in Gold Nanogrid ..................................... 57
5.1 Introduction and motivation................................................................. 57
5.2 Result and discussion........................................................................... 58
5.2.1 Optical properties of dual period nanogrid sensor ............................... 58
Resonant modes.................................................................................... 58
Propagation constant ............................................................................ 60
5.2.2 Determination of effective thickness.................................................... 63
Chapter 6 Digital surface plasmon resonance detection using checkerboarded
silver-capped nanoslit arrays ................................................................ 67
6.1 Introduction and motivation................................................................. 67
6.2 Result and discussion........................................................................... 69
6.2.1 Sensor performance.............................................................................. 69
Polarization-dependent sensing elements............................................. 69
Size-dependent Sensitivity ................................................................... 73
6.2.2 Digital sensing...................................................................................... 76
6.2.3 Comparison between analog and digital detection............................... 80
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Works .............................................................. 82
Reference ..................................................................................................................... 85
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