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作者(外文):Chao, Ming Sung
論文名稱(外文):High-sensitivity ultrashort mid-infrared pulse characterization by modified interferometric field autocorrelation
指導教授(外文):Yang, Shang Da
口試委員(外文):Kung, Andy
Hsiang, Wei Wei
外文關鍵詞:mid-infraredultrashort pulsepulse characterization
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  • 點閱點閱:346
  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文中,我們展示了由修正場自相關干涉量測法”modified interferometric field autocorrelation (MIFA)”實現的高靈敏超短中紅外光脈衝的量測。在脈衝量測領域中,中紅外光脈衝的量測是一個新穎的議題。藉由修正場自相關干涉量測法,我們提出43赫茲、~100飛秒、3.3微米的8.9皮焦耳脈衝頻譜相位取回。因此,我們在中紅外光脈衝量測達到一個3×10^-2 W^2的靈敏度。我們的實驗架構簡單,只包含了一個麥克森干涉儀、一個266微米的硒化银镓(AgGaSe2)晶體以及一個帶有熱電製冷砷化銦鎵(InGaAs)點偵測器的自製光譜儀,此架構已經足以應用於20飛秒(1.8個週期)的3.3微米脈衝量測。我們量測系統的真確性,藉由與模擬和頻域分辨光學開關” frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG)” 的量測結果對一塊4毫米厚的鍺(Ge)玻片所提供的頻譜相位比較後,得到驗證。本系統的重複量測性,也藉由數個獨立實驗資料對同一個頻譜項為調變式的解析得到驗證。本量測系統提供(1)簡單的架構、(2)高靈敏度以及(3)代數演算法,使得修正場自相關干涉量測法是為一個絕佳的脈衝量測技術。在本論文中,此方法成功被運用在3.3微米的中紅外光脈衝量測,藉此,也進一步展現了它用來量測更長波長脈衝的潛力。
In this thesis, we demonstrate a high-sensitivity characterization of ultrashort mid-infrared pulse by a modified interferometric field autocorrelation (MIFA) method. MIR pulse measurement is a novel field in pulse measurement. We report on spectral phase retrieval of 43 MHz, ~100 fs, 3.3 μm pulses at energies down to 8.9 pJ by MIFA. Accordingly, a sensitivity of 3×10^-2 W^2 is achieved in the field of MIR pulse measurement. The simple setup consists of a Michelson interferometer, a 266-μm-thick AgGaSe2 crystal, and a homemade spectrometer with a thermoelectrically cooled InGaAs point detector, which is readily applicable to measuring a 20 fs (1.8 cycles) pulse at 3.3 μm. The feasibility is verified by comparing with the results obtained by simulation and frequency-resolved optical gating for the spectral phase modulation because of a 4-mm-thick Germanium plate. The reproducibility is tested by resolving the spectral phase modulation with several individual raw data. MIFA is a desirable pulse characterization technique because of (1) simplicity of configuration, (2) high sensitivity, and (3) algebraic data retrieval algorithm. The method has successfully characterized MIR pulses at 3.3 μm, exhibiting the potential in measuring pulses with longer wavelength.
2.1 Autocorrelation 18
2.1.1 Field autocorrelation (FA) 18
2.1.2 Intensity autocorrelation (IA) 19
2.2 Frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG) 21
2.2.1 Second-harmonic-generation FROG (SHG FROG) 21
2.2.2 Cross-correlation frequency-resolved optical gating (X-FROG) 23
2.3 Spectral interferometry for direct e-field reconstruction (SPIDER) 25
2.3.1 Zero-additional-phase spectral interferometry for direct e-field reconstruction (ZAP-SPIDER) 26
2.3.2 Time-domain homodyne optical technique spectral interferometry for direct e-field reconstruction (Time-domain HOT SPIDER) 28
2.4 Modified interferometric field autocorrelation (MIFA) 32
3.1 Setup preparation 40
3.1.1 Autocorrelator 40
3.1.2 Crystal thickness 43
3.1.3 Homemade spectrometer 46
3.2 Experiment of MIR pulse characterization 49
3.2.1 Spectral phase modulation retrieval by MIFA 51
3.2.2 The consistency check of spectral phase modulation measured by SHG FROG 54
3.2.3 Other measurements about the capabilities of MIFA 55
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