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作者(外文):LI, MING-CHIN
論文名稱(外文):Wide-Bandgap P-Type Organic Emitters for High Efficiency Hybrid Silicon Heterojunction Photovoltaics
指導教授(外文):Horng, Sheng-Fu
Meng, Hsin-Fei
口試委員(外文):Sheng-Fu Horng
Hsin-Fei Meng
Peichen Yu
外文關鍵詞:co-solution methodenhanced Vocenhanced FFfluorescent polymersspatially graded doping via vertical phase separationrecombination layer
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在本論文中,我們開發出一種利用共溶劑混藥方式,去配製具有強大拉電子能力的F4TCNQ摻雜於寬能帶的螢光高分子PFO中,此P型的有機層被旋塗在矽奈米線跟TAPC之介面,用以當做載子複合層且可拉低螢光高分子的費米能階,並且我們透過紫外光光電子能譜儀以及X-ray光電子能譜儀的量測,可以觀察到此P型的有機層中的F4TCNQ分布,是透過垂直性相分離的方式,呈現一種空間上梯度式摻雜,導致越靠近矽奈米柱處摻雜的F4TCNQ就越多,也就越呈現P型,此現象不但造成矽基板與P型有基層接面處的能帶彎曲,也使得電洞更容易因能障降低而傳遞到電極,因而提升開路電壓與填充因子,其元件轉換效率可達 13.6%。

Silicon solar cells have the advantages of high efficiency and abundant resources on earth.And organic solar cells can be fabricated in low temperature,low-cost solution processes and also has roll-to-roll scalability.Combining the advantages of these two material systems,hybrid solar cells based on organic conjugated polymers and inorganic silicon is a promising alternative to simplify the fabrication processes and reduce the cost,while maintaining a high PCE.

In this study,we introduce a co-solvent method to dope a wide band gap poly(9,9-dioctyfluorenyl-2,7-diyl) (PFO) fluorescent polymers with a very efficient electron acceptor tetrafluorotetracyanoquinodimethane(F4TCNQ).The p-doping layer was deposited onto and between 1,1-bis[(di-4-tolylamino)phenyl]cyclohexane(TAPC)layer and SiNWs by the solution processing method in order to form a recombination layer and lower Fermi level of fluorescent polymers.

Furthermore,Ultraviolet Photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) and X-ray Photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) confirms that F4TCNQ is spatially graded doping via vertical phase separation in this p-type doping layer.The nearer to SiNWs,the more F4TCNQ is doped, which let p-type layers become more p-type.

The power conversion efficiency reaches a record 13.6%, which is largely ascribed to the band bending between n-type silicon and p-doping layer interface.Consequently,holes can conduct to electrodes more easily by lowering energy barriers,which boost the open-circuit voltage and fill factor.
摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI

Chapter 1 緒論 1

1-1 前言 1
1-2 有機與無機混合式太陽電池發展現況 1
1-3 研究動機 3
1-4 論文架構 3

Chapter 2 太陽能電池基礎理論 4

2-1 太陽電池工作原理與基本架構 4
2-2 太陽能電池基本參數 9

Chapter 3 元件製程、量測、材料介紹 15

3-1 有機無機混成太陽電池元件製程 15
3-1-1 矽奈米柱基板製作 15
3-1-2 Hybrid solar cell元件製作流程 17
3-2 太陽能電池之光電性量測 30
3-3有機材料介紹 31

Chapter 4 實驗設計與結果分析 33

4-1 實驗簡介與構想 33
4-1-1 文獻回顧 34
4-1-2 有機材料 F4-TCNQ 之簡介 36
4-1節總結 37
4-2 P型摻雜有機材料測試 38
4-2-1 P型摻雜TAPC (尚未用共溶劑) 38
4-2-2 P型摻雜有機材料 41
4-2節總結 57
4-3 摻雜濃度測試 58
4-3-1 P型摻雜PFO (共溶劑) 58
4-3-2 P型摻雜Green-B (共溶劑) 65
4-3節總結 69
4-4 p-PFO與TAPC 介面之探討 69
4-4節總結 80
4-5 p-PFO在矽奈米柱上的形態與膜厚對效率之影響 81
4-5-1 每個階段的有機層在矽奈米柱上的形貌 81
4-5-2 不同濃度的PFO但相同摻雜F4TCNQ比例在平矽基板上的膜厚量測 83
4-5-3 不同濃度的PFO對於元件效率之影響 84
4-5節總結 90
4-6 紫外光电子能谱(UPS) 以及 X射線光電子能譜(XPS)分析 90
4-6-1 UPS量測結果以及能帶圖 91
4-6-2 XPS量測結果以及縱深分析 94
4-6節總結 96
4-7 共溶劑混藥測試 96
4-7節總結 105

Chapter 5 結論與未來展望 106

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