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作者(外文):WU, PO-YA
論文名稱(外文):Spectral Phase Retrieval by Dispersion-distorted Frequency-resolved Optical Gating Traces
指導教授(外文):Yang, Shang-Da
口試委員(外文):Chen, Yen-Hung
Chen, Ming-Chang
外文關鍵詞:Frequency-resolved Optical GatingGroup Delay DispersionUltrafast OpticsNonlinear Optics
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  • 點閱點閱:135
  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究旨在探討厚非線性晶體中嚴重的群速色散以及其對二倍頻頻率解析光柵Second-Harmonic-Generation Frequency-resolved Optical Gating (SHG FROG)圖形的扭曲,並提出應用粒子群演算法之最佳化方法,以迭代演算重建基頻脈衝之頻域相位以及時域波形,讓擁有高非線性轉換效率之厚非線性晶體得以被應用在準確的飛秒脈衝量測上。實驗上應用25-fs Ti:S laser、Aperiodically Poled Lithium Niobate (APPLN)厚晶體(15mm)以及穿透式脈衝塑型器干涉儀之架構以取得頻率解析光柵圖形。本研究在電腦模擬以及實驗上均成功重建特殊脈衝相位及波型。
Crystal nonlinearity is a widely employed technique in measurements and analyses of femtosecond pulse lasers. To solve the Group Delay Dispersion (GDD) problem and enable the proper usage of thick crystal, which possess excessively high conversion efficiency, in pulse measurements, we thoroughly examine the Second-Harmonic-Generation Frequency-resolved Optical Gating (SHG FROG) traces strongly distorted by excessive GDD. The SHG FROG traces from fundamental pulse with short pulse duration (25fs) in thick Aperiodically Poled Lithium Niobate (APPLN) crystal (~15mm) are considerably different from the standard SHG FROG traces, indicating that GDD severely influences the FROG traces and the standard retrieving method of phases of fundamental fields in SHG FROG is no longer applicable. Here we introduce a new retrieving method making use of the GDD-distorted FROG traces and applying the iterative optimization algorithm: Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), which allows us to successfully retrieve the spectral phase of the fundamental pulse. In the experiment, we apply a 15mm APPLN as the nonlinear crystal to demonstrate serious GDD effect and meanwhile obtain a PM spectrum that is sufficient for 25-fs Ti:S laser as fundamental pulse. A shaper-assisted interferometer with collinear output beam duplicates is set to scan the GDD-distorted FROG traces with APPLN. The experimental results prove the strength and usefulness of this retrieving algorithm and unprecedentedly demonstrate pulse retrieval using thick crystal and under severe GDD.
2.1 GDD-distorted FROG traces 4
2.2 Method of retrieval: applying GCPSO 9
2.3 Quasi Phase Matching (QPM) and APPLN 13
2.4 Shaper-assisted interferometer 18
2.5 Collinear FROG traces 25
3.1 GDD-distorted FROG traces 32
3.2 Results of retrieval applying GCPSO 37
3.3 Influence of noise on the retrieved results 43
3.4 Influence of fabrication error of APPLN on the retrieved results 46
4.1 Experimental setup 49
4.2 Field Autocorrelation 52
4.3 Compensation of residual spectral phase 54
4.4 Issues of fabrication error of APPLN 56
4.5 Phase retrieval via GDD-distorted FROG traces 59
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