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作者(外文):Nelson Fabian Avila
論文名稱(中文):Power Restoration with Demand Forecasting Using a Multi-Agent System and Least-Square Boosting Algorithm
指導教授(外文):Soo, Von Wun
口試委員(外文):Chen, Chaur Chin
Chen, Yi Shin
中文關鍵詞:Power RestorationMulti-Agent SystemDistributed Artificial IntelligenceLeast-Square BoostingGradient Boosting
外文關鍵詞:Power RestorationMulti-Agent SystemDistributed Artificial IntelligenceLeast-Square BoostingGradient Boosting
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  • 點閱點閱:493
  • 評分評分:*****
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Fast and efficient power restoration algorithms become necessary for current and future electrical smart grids. In light of that, we propose a Multi-Agent System (MAS) approach for automatic restoration in power distribution networks. Agents in our MAS are categorized into Generator Agents (GA), Zone Agents (ZA) and one Data Base Agent (DBA). GAs have been implemented and negotiation capabilities in order to minimize the cost of the post-restoration configuration. Moreover, as electrical demand fluctuates on the hourly basis, a Least-Square Boosting technique has been used for short-term forecasting of electrical demand. This prediction is incorporated into the restoration algorithm in order to obtain a capacity-based restoration solution. The proposed method has been evaluated in two distribution networks. The forecasting methodology and restoration process are demonstrated in detail through several experiments.
在現今電力系統的發展中,復電演算法的速度及效率已經成為未來智慧型電網研究的趨勢。我們提出一個多重智慧型代理人系統(Multi-Agent System)的架構,將之應用於配電網路端的復電上。代理人被分為發電機代理人(Generator Agents),區域代理人(Zone Agents)以及資料庫代理人(Data Base Agent )。為了減少復電後配置的成本,發電機代理人被賦與談判的能力。此外,藉由Least-Square Boosting,我們提出一個短程預測電力需求的方法,其中電力需求的變動是按小時為單位。此預測的方法被併入復電演算法中,以得到一個較佳的解法。我們將提出的方法分別於兩個配電網路中進行評估。該預測方法及復電的程序在多次的實驗中得到驗證。
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 3
2.1 Multi-Agent System 3
Generator Agent (GA) 3
Zone Agent (ZA) 8
Database Agent (DBA) 10
2.2 Agent-Negotiation 10
Negotiation and Stochastic Decision Making 10
Negotiation Protocol 11
2.3 Power Flows 15
2.4 Ensemble Learning 18
Gradient Boosting Machine 19
Least-Square Boosting 21
Base learners 24
LS-Boost Regression Example 25
2.5 Active and Reactive Power Forecasting 27
Active and Reactive Power Data 27
Parameter Selection and Model Evaluation 28
Chapter 3: Results 30
3.1 Power Forecasting Algorithm 30
3.2 Restoration algorithm with power forecasting 33
Chapter 4: Conclusions and Future Work 44
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