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論文名稱(中文):適用於下世代通訊系統之Massive MIMO空間調變編碼設計
論文名稱(外文):Generalized Spatial Modulation Design with Massive MIMO System for next Generation Communications
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廣義空間調變(Generalized Spatial modulation)的方式是一種低複雜度的架構,並可以應用在大規模多输入多输出(Massive MIMO)系統上.空間調變在每一個符元時間(symbol time)只會開起少量根天線來做傳輸,因此可以降低實現此架構的複雜度。然而不同的開啟天線組合的選取會直接影響到廣義空間調變系統的平均符元錯誤率,選取最佳選取天線組合是一個非常複雜且非多項式的問題,在現有的文獻中對於最佳選取天線組合的探討並沒有一套系統化的演算法,在現有的文獻中也沒有針對此問題提出次優的演算法。在[1]這篇論文中有針對這個問題提出一個次優的設計標準,但是並沒有提出對應的天線組合選取的演算法。在本篇論文中我們會提出自己另外兩種設計標準,目的在於降低廣義空間調變系統的平均符元錯誤率,並且根據此標準提出對應的系統化演算法,同時我們根據[1]的設計標準也提出對應的演算法。在論文的最後我們會將提出的三種方法做比較,也與隨機選取的方式做比較,模擬結果顯示出我們所提出的設計標準設計出的演算法的確可以最有效降低廣義空間調變系統的平均符元錯誤率。
The concept of Generalized Spatial modulation (GSM) has been proposed as a promising architecture for low complexity massive MIMO systems. The GSM systems activates only small number of transmit antennas at a symbol time which simply the complexity in implementation. Different selection of the activating antennas patterns change the average symbol error rate (SER) performance, however the optimal selection of the activating antenna patterns is an NP hard problem due to the complicated connection in the universe of antenna patterns set. Through [1] has proposed a suboptimal design criterion for the codeword construction problem, it does not proposed the corresponding algorithms to realize the criterion. Even the suboptimal algorithm for the GSM codeword construction problem has not been proposed yet. Motivating by the above reasons, in this thesis we propose two GSM codeword construction criterions in the sense of minimizing the average symbol error rate (SER). We also design the corresponding systematic greedy-like algorithms for the proposed criterions and for the criterion proposed by [1]. At the last of the thesis we show the numerical results for the proposed codeword construction algorithms and we verify the performance of the proposed algorithms are indeed better than the algorithm whose design criterion is proposed by [1] and also better than the random selection method.
List of Figures
List of Tables
1.General Background of the GSM with massive MIMO system for next generation communication system
-Brief Introduction of the next generation communication system
-SCM Channel modeling for mmWave
-Why we choose spatial modulation
-Introduction of Spatial modulation Family (SSK、SM、GSSK、GSM)
-Difference between spatial modulation and antenna selection
-The performance analysis of SSK and GSSK
-Detection of GSSK symbol
-Detection of GSM symbol
-The receive and transmit diversity of GSSK
-GSM with Space-time block code(STBC)
3. Proposed code construction algorithms for GSSK
-Problem Formulation
-Proposed GSSK Codeword Design Criterions
-Proposed GSSK Codeword Construction Algorithm
-Margin for improvement
-Simulation Results and Comparisons
5. Conclusion
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