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作者(外文):Huang, Kuo-Ping
論文名稱(外文):Nyquist-QPSK for Multi-band WDM-PON Upstream with Coherent Detection
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  隨著「光纖到家」及4G LTE的發展,被動光學網路已越來越受到重視;如何負荷逐年提高的傳輸量,且減少用戶端的成本一直是重要的研究課題。本論文提出將多頻帶Nyquist-QPSK同調檢測系統運用於被動光學網路的上傳架構中,並透過實驗及模擬系統,分別測試以光學濾波器及編碼方式產生之Nyquist-QPSK訊號,與傳統方波QPSK訊號的差別。根據實驗及模擬結果,我們驗證了Nyquist-QPSK由於頻譜接近方形使實際所占總頻寬較小,故較能抵抗色散;且具有教高的power sensitivity。以上特性配合多頻帶同調檢測的系統架構,可大幅降低客戶端上傳資料時的傳輸功率與頻寬限制。另一方面, Nyquist-QPSK接近方形的頻譜,令其用於多頻帶系統時,可讓子頻帶間緊密相鄰而不互相干擾;所以Nyquist-QPSK不僅利於接收端等化器的設計,還可提升頻譜效益。

Passive optical network (PON) has become more and more popular with the promoting of Fiber to the Home (FTTH) and 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) network. It is an important issue to reduce the cost of clients for commercial considerations. In this paper, we demonstrated Nyquist-QPSK for multi-band WDM-PON with coherent detection upstream system. We used both optical filtering and MATLAB coding to generate Nyquist-QPSK. Compared with conventional QPSK, Nyquist-QPSK has higher power sensitivity and smaller bandwidth, which make it highly tolerant to chromatic dispersion. On the other hand, rectangular-shape spectrum of Nyquist-QPSK leads to no need of guard bands in multi-band system and low complexity for equalizer designing. The features mentioned above make Nyquist-QPSK suitable for WDM-PON upstream to reduce the cost and improve the spectral efficiency of the systems.
第一章 緒論
1-1 前言
1-2 研究動機與目的
1-3 論文架構
第二章 Nyquist-QPSK於被動光學網路
2-1 被動光學網路簡介
2-2 光學調變方式
2-3 光學檢測方式
2-4 Nyquist訊號簡介
第三章 光學濾波 Nyquist-QPSK多頻帶同調檢測系統
3-1 實驗原理
3-2 實驗架構
3-3 實驗流程
3-4 實驗結果
第四章 編碼產生Nyquist-QPSK於多頻帶同調檢測系統
4-1 原理介紹
4-2 模擬架構
4-3 模擬結果
第五章 結論
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