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論文名稱(外文):Breath Gas Response to Liver Malfunction with Consideration of Non-correlated Gases on InN Sensor
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由於肝臟本身並沒有痛覺神經,僅表面上少數的神經支配痛覺,因此當肝臟內部產生病變時,不會有特殊的徵兆使患者感覺到疼痛與不適,直到病程進入晚期黃疸、食慾不振等症狀陸續出現時才就醫大多都已相當嚴重。本研究使用氮化銦氣體感測器來追蹤肝功能狀況,然而人體呼出的氣體中有 250 多種不同的氣體,因此事先推導出一反應速率因子,將揮發性氣體與感測層產生反應的活化能與呼氣濃度代入方程式中,各別計算每項揮發性氣體分子對氮化銦反應的速率強度,目的是為了找出使用氮化銦氣體感測器量測肝病氣體(氨氣)時的主要干擾氣體。此方法結合了阿瑞尼士方程式(Arrhenius equation)與化學反應速率中的重要參數,同時討論了氣體濃度與活化能對氮化銦感測層所造成的影響,將實驗測得之氣體活化能參數與氣體濃度代入該反應速率因子方程式中,可計算出氣體對氮化銦反應速率強度並找出主要的干擾氣體為丙酮與異戊二烯,其中又以丙酮氣體所帶來的影響較大。因此,本研究設計一氣體排除實驗,將預先配置好的混合氣體(0.7 ppm NH3+ 0.7 ppm C3H6O in N2 於1L的集氣袋中)串聯至過濾系統,得到混合氣體經過 10 c.c. PDMS 矽油過濾後,丙酮氣體的濃度從原先的 0.778 ppm 減少至 0.474 ppm,減少了約 40% 的丙酮濃度,而氨氣濃度則另外經由離子層析儀分析得到混合氣體經 PDMS 矽油前後濃度保持不變,本研究藉由非極性 PDMS 純矽油過濾系統大幅降低了主要干擾氣體(丙酮)的濃度。
It has been known for a long time that electrical resistance of a semiconductor is very sensitive to the presence of gas in its volume or at the surface. Measurement of breath NH3 is of interest in clinical applications as it can be used as a measure of liver functions. We have developed a III-V semiconductor conductivity InN sensor to measure NH3 in human breath. As mixture gas passes over the InN sensing layer, the film collects NH3 and the conductivity (measured by the multi-meter) increases accordingly. However, there are around 250 kinds of VOCs in our breath, so the issue of selectivity is very important. In this research, methods for selectivity improvement of semiconductor gas sensors are presented. Our groups define a reaction factor to compare the reaction rate of these VOCs gases and find out the noisy breath gas. In this step, two parameters, gas concentration and the activation energy took into consider. According to the result, acetone and isoprene are the noisy breath gas present in the breath of all individuals and are the major breath hydrocarbon in healthy people. Therefore, we set up a filter system to exclude the acetone by adding non-polar solvent which called polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). PDMS is silicon oil, which can react with acetone, the result from Societe Generale de Surveillance (SGS) shows 10 c.c. PDMS silicon oil can decrease almost 40% acetone (from 0.778 ppm to 0.474 ppm) in the mixture. In addition, PDMS silicon oil will not react with target gas NH3 and shows a good way to exclude acetone from the mixture.
誌謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2肝臟疾病概述 2
1.3肝病檢測技術 3
1.3.1酵素分析法 3
1.3.2肝穿刺切片 5
1.3.3氣相層析儀 6
1.3.4氨氣感測器 8
1.4研究動機與目標 11
第二章 文獻回顧 12
2.1氨氣感測器 12
2.1.1電阻式感測器 12
2.1.2電晶體式感測器 13
2.1.3專利搜尋 14
2.1.4市面產品 16
2.2氮化銦薄膜之電子特性 18
2.3氮化銦氣體感測器之應用 20
第三章 理論分析 28
3.1元件反應機制 28
3.2氣體反應速率 31
3.3活化能 32
3.4氣體反應速率強度 33
第四章 實驗設計與元件製作 34
4.1實驗規劃 34
4.2儀器設置 35
4.2.1氣體感測之量化指標 36
4.2.2分析方法和參與值設定 36
4.3氮化銦氣體感測器 39
4.3.1元件設計 39
4.3.2加熱器設計 40
4.4氮化銦感測器製作流程 40
4.4氣體感測元件組裝 42
第五章 結果與討論 43
5.1氮化銦感測器應用於氨氣感測 43
5.2呼氣中氣體的濃度 45
5.3氣體反應強度 49
5.4活化能量測 53
5.5氣體對氮化銦的反應強度 59
5.6氣體排除實驗 62
第六章 結論 66
第七章 未來工作 67
參考文獻 68
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