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作者(外文):Hsieh, Jung-Yang
論文名稱(外文):The design of a SPAD photodetector applicable in near infrared rays with low breakdown voltage
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Yung-Jane
口試委員(外文):Shiang-Cheng Lu
Ming-Ching Kuo
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  • 點閱點閱:444
  • 評分評分:*****
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本篇論文分為兩個部分,第一部分是設計應用於近紅外光且操作接近10伏特的低崩潰電壓的單光子崩潰二極體,使用接面較深、濃度較濃的P-well對上Deep N-well接面當做PN Junction接面,經過量測結果可得到崩潰電壓為11.8-11.9伏特,而光響應度最大值落在光波長為830nm的紅外光,量測結果合乎我們所預期。
第二部分則是單光子崩潰二極體偵測器的應用,需要一個quenching circuit將崩潰的元件的操作電壓回復到初始值,並藉由調整電路中的電阻跟電容嘗試將單光子二極體的雜訊降低,而經過量測,電路可以成功與單光子崩潰二極體整合並運作,但電路考量不周,導致無法真正達到降低after pulsing雜訊的效果。
Along with the improvement of imaging technology, photodetectors with high sensitivity became popular. However, Single Photon Avalanche diode(SPAD), which has so many advantages such as high sensitivity and being easy to be integrated with quenching circuit, was not paid close attention by people. The reason is the noise made by SPAD. But its excellent sensing capability is what we need. If we can solve the problems of noise, it will be a big improvement for the application of SPAD.
This work, contains two parts. The first part is the design of a SPAD applicable in near infrared rays with low breakdown voltage about 10 volts. We used the junction between P-well and Deep N-well, because the concentration of P-well is higher and the junction depth is deep. The measured results show that the breakdown voltage of the SPAD is about 11.8-11.9 volts and the peak of responsivity is located 830nm wavelength. The results are matched with what we expected.
The second part of the thesis is the application of the SPAD photodetector. We designed a quenching circuit to recover the operating voltage to breakdown voltage. Furthermore, by adjusting the resistance and capacitance in the quenching circuit we can reduce the noise in SPAD photodetector. The measured results show that the SPAD can be integrated with the quenching circuit and is functional. However, because of some improper design in the circuit, the quenching circuit was not able to reduce the after pulsing noise.

第一章 前言........................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 論文章節架構 2
第二章 CMOS單光子崩潰二極體 3
2.1 崩潰二極體基本原理 3
2.2 Geiger mode 操作 4
2.3 Quenching-circuit 5
2.4 光響應度 6
2.5 雜訊來源 8
第三章 設計與模擬 11
3.1 設計流程 11
3.2 元件設計 13
3.3 元件模擬 17
3.4 元件佈局 21
3.5 元件電路模型設計 24
3.6 電路設計 26
3.7 電路模擬 29
3.8 系統佈局 38
第四章 量測結果與探討 39
4.1 量測儀器介紹 39
4.2 二極體特性量測 40
4.2.2 光響應度量測 43
4.3 Geiger mode量測 47
4.3.1 暗計數量測 47
4.3.2 光量測 53
4.4 量測結果分析與改進 58
4.4.1 電路設計 58
4.4.2 光計數量測 61
4.4.3 超額電壓量測 63
第五章 總結.............. 67
參考文獻............ 68
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