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論文名稱(外文):Transport in graphene-based valley FETs
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We employ the recursive green function method to study the transmission through the valley-FET, which is basically a quasi-one-dimensional structure composed of a quantum wire channel of narrow-gap graphene confined by barriers of wide-gap graphene and sandwiched between armchair graphene nanorribbon (AGNR) source and drain. The numerical result confirms that the transmission can be modulated by applying an external in-plane electric field perpendicular to the wire, due to the valley-orbit interaction (VOI) in gapped graphene. The effects of energy gap of barrier graphene, channel length and width, and AGNR length and width are studied. As coherent devices, interference phenomena in valleytronic devices in valley FETs are expected. In particular, the Fabry-Perot resonance and Fano resonance are demonstrated and explanations of their origins are proposed.
Abstract 1
Chapter 1 Introduction 2
1.1Graphene and Graphene nanoribbons 2
1.2 The Datta-Das spin field-effect transistor 9
1.3 The valley-FET 11
1.4 The Fano resonance 14
1.5 The Rashba-Fano resonance 18
Chapter 2 The theoretical method 20
2.1 The structure of the simulation 20
2.2 The Method of Recursive Green Function 23
2.3 Further details of the recursive Green function method when applied to valley-FETs 27
Chapter3 The results and discussion 32
3.1 The issues studied by the transport calculation 33
3.2 The Rashba coefficient 34
3.3 The Valley-Orbit interaction 36
3.4 The Fabry-Perot resonance and the Fano resonance 40
3.5 The intervalley coupling 49
Chapter4 Conclusion 51
References 52
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