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作者(外文):Kuo, Tung Wei
論文名稱(外文):Maximizing Submodular Set Function with Connectivity Constraint: Theory and Application to Networks
指導教授(外文):Lin, Kate Ching-Ju
Tsai, Ming-Jer
口試委員(外文):Sheu, Jang-Ping
Kao, Jung-Chun
Wang, Li-chun
Chen, Ming-Syan
外文關鍵詞:Network deploymentApproximation algorithmSubmodular set function
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:115
  • 評分評分:*****
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In this thesis, we investigate the wireless network deployment problem, which seeks the best deployment of a given limited number of wireless routers. We find that many goals for network deployment, such as maximizing the number of covered users, the size of the coverage area, or the total throughput of the network, can be modelled with a submodular set function. Specifically, given a set of routers, the goal is to find a set of locations S, each of which is equipped with a router, such that S maximizes a predefined submodular set function. However, this deployment problem is more difficult than the traditional maximum submodular set function problem, e.g., the maximum coverage problem, because it requires all the deployed routers to form a connected network. In addition, deploying a router in different locations might consume different costs. To address these challenges, this thesis introduces two approximation algorithms, one for homogeneous deployment cost scenarios and the other for heterogeneous deployment cost scenarios. Our simulations, using synthetic data and real traces of census in Taipei, show that the proposed algorithms not only have theoretical performance guarantee but also achieve better performances than other heuristics in practice.
List of Figures v
List of Tables viii
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Work 5
3 Maximum Connected Submodular Set Function Problem 7
3.1 Preliminaries 7
3.2 Maximum Connected Submodular Set Function Problem and Its Approximation Algorithm 10
4 Maximum Connected Submodular Set Function Problem with
Budget Constraint 17
4.1 Problem Definition and Preliminaries 17
4.2 Approximation Algorithm 19
4.3 Edge Weight Versus Vertex Weight 23
5 Applications 28
5.1 Maximizing the Number of Covered Users 29
5.2 Maximizing the Network Throughput 30
5.3 Maximizing the Size of the Coverage Area 32
6 Numerical Results 34
6.1 Simulation Results of the MCC Problem 36
6.2 Simulation Results of the MTCC Problem 41
6.3 Simulation Results of the MACC Problem 43
6.4 Impact of the Vertex Degrees and Density of the Graph 45
6.5 A Note on the Average Case and Worst Case Performances
of the Greedy Algorithms 46
6.6 Algorithms' Performances under the Information Provided by Censuses 48
7 Conclusion and Future Work 52
Appendices 54
Bibliography 59
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