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作者(外文):Chin, Shih-Hsiang
論文名稱(外文):A SAT-based Minimal Logic Difference Engine for Functional ECO
外文關鍵詞:ECOlogic difference
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:196
  • 評分評分:*****
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在IC 設計工業中,隨著技術越來越進步,設計也越來越複雜,
In the IC industry, chip design cycles are becoming more compressed, while designs
themselves are growing in complexity. Functional specifications are often modified late
in the design cycle, after placement and routing are complete. These trends necessitate
efficient methods to handle late-stage engineering change orders (ECOs) to the functional
specification, often in response to errors discovered after much of the implementation is
finished. In this thesis, we propose a three-stage algorithm for generating a minimal logic
difference between an original circuit and a modified circuit. Our method has three different
stages and we perform them in order to produce a better patch. In the first phase, we search
from the primary outputs to find structural equivalence between the original circuit and
the modified circuit. In the second phase, we modify DeltaSyn[1] to use a SAT solver
to identify logic equivalence near the input-side boundary of the changes. In the third
phase, we create levels in each gate. According to levels, we check logically equivalent and
choose replaced gates. After the three different stages, a gate-recycle[2] process performs
the patch minimization in the final step. Encouraging experimental results are obtained by
our method.
1 Introduction
1.1 ECO
1.2 Contribution
1.3 Organization
2 Previous Works
3 Algorithm 8
3.1 Structure Equivalence Matching
3.2 Logic Equivalence Checking
3.3 Replace and Check
3.4 Patch Creation and Patch Minimization
4 Experiment 18
4.1 Experimental Setup
4.2 Results and Analysis
5 Conclusion
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