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作者(外文):Tang, Tzu-Wen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Social Activity Surveillance for Crime Prevention
指導教授(外文):Sun, Hung-Min
口試委員(外文):Wen-Guey Tzeng
Yu-Lun Huang
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:396
  • 評分評分:*****
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Smartphones are getting more accessible with affordable price and wide selection of hardware specifications. So, the amount of users who has a smartphone is getting bigger and bigger. Therefore, more and more people talk to their friends or send them messages on the phone rather than just visit in reality world. This phenomenon leads the rise of the crime rate according to some reports. It is obvious that why the crime rate is rising. Because the criminals communicate to each other more easily and quickly than before. Also, the teenagers are more easier to go astray.

In this thesis, we propose an architecture for crime prevention with monitoring their social activities. There are two features in the architecture. One is that to implement on the mobile phone. We use this part to listen for the call events and receiver to the short messages. The other is implemented on computer as a remote server which is used to reserve the important information obtained from users. And we also improve the information for future work.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Contribution
1.3 Organization
Chapter 2: Background
2.1 Smartphone
2.2 Android
2.3 Sox
Chapter 3: Related Work
3.1 Official Way
3.2 Third Party Approaches
3.2.1 First Approach
3.2.2 Second Approach
Chapter 4: System Architecture and Design
4.1 Application of the Mobile Phone Site
4.2 Services
4.2.1 Call Event Service
4.2.2 SMS Event Service
4.3 The Recorder
4.4 Remote Server Site
4.4.1 Audio Processing
Chapter 5: Implement
5.1 Building Environment
5.2 The Structure of Android Application
5.3 Phone Call Events
5.3.1 Incoming Call Events
5.3.2 Outgoing Call Events
5.4 SMS Events
5.5 Recorder
5.6 Remote Server
5.7 Process
5.8 Summary
Chapter 6: Analysis
6.1 The Effectiveness of Audio Processing
6.1.1 Experiment Purpose
6.1.2 Experiment Design
6.1.3 Experiment Result
6.2 Power Consumption
6.3 Portability
Chapter 7: Conclusion
7.1 Conclusion
7.2 Future Work
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