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作者(外文):Wang, Hsiang An
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Using Parr-Curve Change-Point Model to Predict Vulnerabilities in Open-Source Software
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chin Yu
外文關鍵詞:Vulnerability discovery modelRayleigh modelWeibull modelVulnerability predictionChange-point
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軟體問題是現今系統故障的主要原因,並且會導致財務損失,而軟體安全性弱點便是其中最具威脅性的一種。事實上,軟體安全性弱點是一種特殊的軟體錯誤。軟體工程師常常無法持續追蹤其他開發者所報告及修復的弱點。量化品質標準常常屈服於人力、時間、資源的不足。軟體安全性弱點一般難以量化,並且更難以預測或涉及任何流程改進的計劃和活動。有許多關於如何偵測或避免軟體安全性弱點的研究,而這篇研究我們則是專注於軟體安全性弱點發現數量的預測,這可以幫助我們改善應用軟體的安全部署。文獻上已經有一些弱點發現模型被提出,但這些模型需要目標應用程式的大量弱點資料以正常運作,並且無法適應於弱點發現趨勢在短時間內急遽增加或減少的現象,因此,我們提出了帕爾曲線變動點模型以及一個初步預測方案用以預測軟體中的弱點。一開始應用程式中的總弱點數會先被概略地預測,在此之後當有足夠的軟體歷史弱點資料時,就可以進一步地使用我們的帕爾曲線變動點模型來預測。我們提出的這個弱點發現模型能夠藉由將變動點插入到資料中適當的位置以適應短時間內急遽增加或減少的弱點發現趨勢。在實驗中,我們使用了帕爾曲線變動點模型以及初步預測方案預測了Mozilla Firefox這個軟體的弱點發現量,結果顯示,我們提出的帕爾曲線變動點模型確實勝過了其他弱點發現模型,特別是在那些改變幅度很大的弱點資料上更為明顯。
Software problems are the main cause of system failures today which can lead to financial losses and software vulnerabilities as the greatest threats. Security vulnerabilities are a particular case of software faults. Software engineers are often unable to keep track of vulnerabilities that other developers have reported and solved. Quantitative quality metrics are often subdued due to lack of adequate amounts of people, time, and resources. Security-related software vulnerabilities are typically hard to quantify and even harder to predict or relate to any process improvement initiatives and activities. There is much research about how to detect or avoid software vulnerabilities; however, in this work we focus on software vulnerability discovery prediction, which can help improve the secure deployment of software applications. There are a few vulnerability discovery models (VDMs) proposed in literature, yet those models require a high quantity of vulnerability data of the target application in order to work; further, VDMs cannot adapt to abrupt increment or decrement of the vulnerability discovery trends in a short time interval. Hence, a generalized Parr-curve (GPC) model with an initial prediction scheme is proposed and used in order to predict software vulnerabilities. The number of total vulnerabilities in the application is first roughly predicted; afterward, the GPC model can be further used when the software historical vulnerability data is available. The proposed vulnerability discovery model can adapt to abrupt increment or decrement of the discovery trends in a short time interval by applying change-points to proper positions of the data. In the experiment, we have used the GPC model with the initial prediction scheme in order to predict vulnerability discovery in Mozilla Firefox. The result shows that the proposed GPC model outperforms other VDMs, especially in those with abruptly changing data.
Abstract in Chinese i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iv
Contents v
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Notations viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Works 8
2.1 Review of Vulnerability Discovery Models and Resource Models 9
2.2 Change-Points and Vulnerability Discovery Data 16
Chapter 3 Methods of Combinatorial Model 21
3.1 The Factors Causing Defects in the Software 21
3.1.1 Phase Factor (F_ph) 22
3.1.2 Programming Team Factor (F_pt) 23
3.1.3 Process Maturity Factor (F_m) 24
3.1.4 Software Structure Factor (F_s) 26
3.2 Generalized Parr-Curve Model 28
Chapter 4 Experiments and Data Analysis 32
4.1 Data Sets 32
4.2 Parameter Estimation 35
4.3 Evaluation Criteria 36
4.4 Performance Analysis 41
4.4.1 Preliminary Prediction of Using the Combinatorial Model 42
4.4.2 Performance Comparison and Assessment 43
4.5 Threats to Validity 49
Chapter 5 Conclusions 51
Appendixes 53
Appendix A Original Vulnerability Data of Mozilla Firefox 3.6 53
Appendix B Reorganized Vulnerability Data of Mozilla Firefox 3.6 85
References 88
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