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作者(外文):Lin, Jun-Shen
論文名稱(外文):Design of Transaction-Level Embedded Tracer for Many-Core Processors
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chih-Tsun
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  • 評分評分:*****
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通訊事件產生器和追蹤器引擎占整個平台的面積約為1.5% 而NoC事件產生器則是0.57%。
Due to the power efficiency, thermal threshold and scalability, using many-core architecture instead of having a single core with higher frequency to achieve better performance on SoC(System-on-chip) is a trend of the development.
However, when the number of cores in a system is increasing, the complexity of inter-core communication grows rapidly and the difficulty of design verification is also increasing. To get maximum profit of many-core architecture, the parallel application executed on platform is the other important thing. Thus, the verification of design and the debugging cooperating with application and hardware is a challenging issue for many-core systems in nowadays.

In the thesis, we present an embedded debug and trace platform( Communication Tracer) and the methodology for application-level that focus on the interaction of inter-PE( Processing Element) on many-core platform. Debugging and Tracing at application-level can offer user an efficiency way to find the problem because the trace data can be minimized. We improve the original API Event Generator to have the feature of tracing external memory access. Moreover, the NoC Event Generator has better efficiency that if the transaction is normal, there are no trace data generated. The Communication Tracer consists of Communication Event Generator, NoC Event Generator and Tracer Engine. Communication Event Generator monitors the communication of PE and NoC Event Generator monitors the packets that pass through the switch node. Tracer Engine gathers the trace event from Communication Event Generator or NoC Event Generator, appends time stamp and then compressing the trace data.

Moreover, we implement off-line analyzer to help user to profiling the application executed on many-core platform. User can exploit the software application's efficiency by the off-line analyzer extracts and analyze the trace data log from our proposed Communication Tracer. We present some application as cases in this thesis. The compression ratio of trace data in the proposed communication tracer can achieve between 96.01% to 99.97% depended on various cases.
The Communication Event Generator and Tracer Engine is 1.5% of the whole platform and the NoC Event Generator is 0.57% of the whole platform.
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction of SoC Tracing and Debugging
1.2 The Challenge of Tracing and Debugging on Many-Core SoC
1.3 Motivation and Contribution
1.4 Organization of the Thesis
2 Previous Work
2.1 Background
2.1.1 SystemC
2.1.2 OSCI TLM-2.0
2.1.3 OpenRISC
2.1.4 Bus Protocol Wishbone Open Core Protocol
2.2 Overview of Existent Many-Core Platform
2.2.1 Processing Element
2.2.2 Communication Unit
2.2.3 Network on Chip Arteris NoC(RTL) Transaction Generator 2(ESL)
2.3 Software Communication Library
2.3.1 On-chip Communication Library
2.3.2 iLib Libary
2.4 Overview of Previous Many-Core Tracer
2.4.1 Application-Level Transaction-Based Trace Infrastructure for NoC-Based Many-Core Platform
2.4.2 Transaction-Level Embedded Tracer on Many-Core Platform API Event Generator NoC Transaction Generator
2.5 Existent Method for Tracing and Debugging
3 Component of Proposed Communication Tracer and Implementation 41
3.1 Overview of Communication Tracer
3.2 Communication Event Generator
3.2.1 FSM of Communication Event Generator
3.2.2 Communication Event List
3.3 NoC Event Generator
3.3.1 The Top View of NoC Event Generator
3.3.2 Packet Congested Event Generator Size of Trace FIFO and Dedicated Counter Push Mechanism of Trace FIFO Pop Mechanism of Trace FIFO Packet Congested Event Generator On ESL platform
3.3.3 Hop Count Event Generator Definition of Hop Count Architecture of Hop Count Event Generator
3.4 Tracer Engine
3.4.1 Event Filter
3.4.2 Time Event Generator
3.4.3 Trace Packet Generator
3.4.4 Tracer Control Unit
3.5 Tracer Timer
3.6 Non-Blocking Communication Engine Issue
4 Proposed Tracing and Debugging Methodology and Demonstrations
4.1 The Debugging and Tracing Flow on Many-Core Platform
4.2 Off-line Analyzer
4.2.1 Definition of Communication Time
4.2.2 NAck Related Analsis
4.2.3 Packets Congested on NoC Related
4.2.4 Auto-Paring of Send and Receive
4.3 Simulation Model for Application-Level Debugging and Tracing
4.4 Case Study
4.4.1 Odd-Even Sort Introduction of Odd-Even Sort Cases of Odd-Event Sort Result of Analysis
4.4.2 3 phases of Send and Receive Introduction of 3 phases of Send and Receive Introduction of Barrier Function Cases of 3 phases of Send and Receive Result of Analysis
4.4.3 3D Parallel Graphic Pipeline Program Introduction of 3D Parallel Graphic Pipeline Program The Method of Load Balance Cases of 3D Parallel Graphic Pipeline Program Result of Analysis
4.4.4 Router Decision Bug
5 Experiment Result and Analysis
5.1 The Compression Rate of Communication Trace Data
5.2 The Amount of NoC Trace Data
5.3 The Rate of Generating Trace Data
5.3.1 Analyze the Profling of Switches' Utilization Ratio
5.4 Synthesis Result
6 Conclusion and Future Work
6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Future Work
Appendix .A ESL Global Addressing Space on Many-Core Platform
Appendix .B Communication Unit Addressing Space Used in A Processing Element
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