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論文名稱(外文):Facial Landmark Detection using Pose-Aware Deep Convolutional Network
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Facial landmark detection usually suffers from the influence by the change of environment, such as pose variation and illumination. We observe that high pose variation is the one most influence the detection accuracy. To tackle the problem of pose variation, we adopt deep learning approach to learn a good regressor and propose a pose-aware CNN to tackle the pose variation. We first develop CNN classifier to classify facial image according to the pose. Next, we develop two CNN to detect the facial landmarks according to the corresponding pose. In addition, we adjust the refinement level by concluding the shape constraint. Our experimental results show that the pose-aware detector performs better than the original landmark detector.
中文摘要 1
Abstract 2
1. Introduction 4
2. Related work 6
2.1. Model-based approach 6
2.2. Detector-based approach 8
2.3. Regression-based approach 10
2.4. Deep learning-based approach 11
3. Proposed method 14
3.1. Preliminary work and discussion 14
3.2. Motivation 16
3.3. Pose-Aware Deep Convolutional Neural Networks 17
3.3.1. Structure 17
3.3.2. CNN for pose classification 18
3.3.3. Pose-aware CNN for facial landmark detection 19
3.3.4. CNN for refinement 22
3.4. Implementation detail 24
3.4.1. The structure in convolutional neural network 25
3.4.2. CNN training 26
4. Experimental results 30
4.1. Experimental setting 30
4.2. Pose classification result 31
4.3. Facial landmark detection result 31
5. Conclusions 36
6. Reference 37
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