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作者(外文):Si-Cheng Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Second-Order Delta-Sigma Modulator for Biomedical Signal Application
指導教授(外文):Ta-Shun Chu
外文關鍵詞:discrete timeDelta-Sigma Modulatorswitched-capacitor circuitCIFB
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:470
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:62
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本論文描述一個二階一位元離散時間三角積分調變器,透過TSMC 1P6M
dB,相當於有效位元數15.26位元;整個電路的消耗功率為2.732 mW,效能指
標為1.782 pJ/conv.,核心佈局面積為668 x 278μm2。

In recent years , due to the rapid development of medical technology , human
Life is extended . This makes the rapid growth of biomedical electronic market , and
also let the needs of the physiological signals measurement systems promoted grad-
ually .A high precision analog-to-digital (A/D) converter is an important block in the
physiological signals measurement systems ; we generally choose the delta-sigma
A/D converter as the main architecture for the data converter . To be matching requ
irements for the plan , a delta-sigma modulator which is applied in the bio-sensing
system that could handle the signal capturing by the devices is implemented in this
thesis .

This thesis presents a one-bit second-order discrete-time delta-sigma modulator
(DT-ΔΣM) , and to be implemented with TSMC 0.18-μm 1P6M process . By using CIFB
architecture make the STF to have better filtering performance at high frequency ,
and make the modulator to have better stability ; the input stage of the operational
amplifier use the rail to rail architecture to raise the reliability of the system and ma-
ke the modulator still function work even though the outpu swing of the integrat-
or is larger . Also using the CDS technique in the first intergrator stage help to reduce
the offset of component mismatches and suppress the 1/f noise . The whole delta-
sigma modulator operating at 1.8V supply voltage , with 20KHz signal bandwidth ,
and oversampling ratio of 256 , the designed modulator achieved signal to noise and
distortion ratio(SNDR) of 93.26 dB , equivalent to the effective number of bits (ENOB
) 15.26 bits .The power consumption is 2.732 mW , the figure of merit (FoM) is 1.782
pJ/conv. , and the core chip area is 668 x 278μm2 .
中文摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 X
第一章 序論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2論文章節組織 2
第二章 三角積分類比數位轉換器原理簡介 3
2.1類比數位轉換器分類 4
2.2尼奎斯特取樣理論簡介 5
2.3量化器(QUANTIZER)與量化雜訊 6
2.4性能指標(PERFORMANCE METRICS)[3][5] 9
2.4.1訊號雜訊比(SNR) 10
2.4.2訊號雜訊諧波比(SNDR) 10
2.4.3無雜散動態範圍(SFDR) 10
2.4.4動態範圍(DR) 11
2.4.5有效位元數(ENOB) 11
2.4.6過載準位(OL) 12
2.4.7指標參數(Figure of Merit,FOM) 12
2.5尼奎斯特取樣轉換器與超取樣轉換器性能之比較 13
2.6雜訊整形(NOISE SHAPING) 16
2.7三角積分類比數位轉換器基本分析 18
2.7.1基本結構 18
2.7.2低通與帶通(LP/BP) 19
2.7.3連續時間與離散時間(CT/DT) 20
2.7.3.a.離散時間與連續時間之架構簡介 20
2.7.3.b.內建抗混疊濾波器 21
2.7.3.c.離散時間和連續時間之比較 23
2.7.4一階 24
2.7.5二階 26
2.7.6高階 28
2.8穩定度 30
2.8.1李氏準則(Lee’s criterion) 30
2.8.2根軌跡(Root locus) 31
2.8.3頻帶外增益(out-of-band gain,OBG) 32
2.9三角積分調變器之主要結構分析 33
2.9.1單一位元(Single-bit)及多位元(Multi-bit)量化器 34
2.9.2單迴路串接積分器回授型(Cascade-of-integrators,feedback form,CIFB) 35
2.9.3單迴路串接積分器前饋型(Cascade-of-integrators,feedforward form,CIFF) 36
2.9.4局部回授架構 37
2.9.5多級串疊(multi-stage cascade) 39
第三章 系統架構分析規劃與模擬 41
3.1系統規格 41
3.2調變器架構選取 42
3.3三角積分調變器系統之線性模型 43
3.4交換電容積分器 48
3.4.1對於寄生電容不敏感之延遲型積分器(Parasitic-Insensitive Delay Integrator) 48
3.4.2積分器動態行為 49
3.5電路非理想效應考量 51
3.5.1雜訊源 51
3.5.1.a.熱雜訊(Thermal noise) 51
3.5.1.b.電晶體閃爍雜訊(Flicker noise) 53
3.5.2三角積分調變器中之雜訊分析 54
3.5.2.a.R-C低通濾波器之雜訊 54
3.5.2.b.取樣電路之雜訊 54
3.5.2.c.離散時間積分器電路之雜訊 55
3.5.2.d三角積分調變器中之雜訊 56
3.5.3開關相關議題 59
3.5.3.a有限導通電阻值(Finite turn-on-resistance) 59
3.5.3.b.通道電荷注入(Channel Charge injection)效應 60
3.5.3.c.時脈饋入(Clock Feedthrough)效應 60
3.5.3.d.改善電荷注入誤差之技術 61
3.5.4運算放大器非理想效應 64
3.5.4.a.有限直流增益(Finite DC gain) 64
3.5.4.b.迴轉率(Slew rate)與有限增益頻寬(Finite Gain-Bandwidth) 66
3.5.5系統及子電路方塊規格 70
第四章 電路分析與實現 71
4.2運算放大器 73
4.2.1軌對軌常數轉導輸入級 74
4.2.2主要參數分析 76
4.4比較器與栓鎖器 81
4.5一位元回授DAC 83
4.6時脈產生器 84
4.7調變器 85
第五章 結論與未來工作 90
5.1結論 90
5.1未來工作 90
參考文獻 91
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