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作者(外文):Wu, Jyun-Wei
論文名稱(外文):The study of fully automatic phalanx contour locating using the distance regularized level set evolution algorithm with edge indicator map information
指導教授(外文):Jong, Tai-Lang
口試委員(外文):Hsieh, Chi-Wen
Liao, Li-Chun
外文關鍵詞:image segmentationlevel set evolutionimage edgesedge indicator functionautomation
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  • 點閱點閱:213
  • 評分評分:*****
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傳統的DRLSE方法需要手動設定輪廓線的初始位置,然而該位置是否接近目標邊緣將對於最終抓取的結果有著不小的影響。因此本論文提出以邊緣檢測函數距離邊界越近數值越小的性質,抓取到影像中物體的大略邊界位置,再配合一系列的影像處理流程使該結果成為更清晰明確的一條輪廓線。接著再以該輪廓線作為Level Set function初始位置進行傳統的DRLSE疊代運算,使輪廓線能更為平滑地貼近真實邊界。
研究結果以測試一般影像、單一指骨影像、自動化處理指骨資料庫等三個部份來呈現,並分別計算運算時間、疊代次數及ME、RFAE、MHD、EMM、NU及Mean Errors等六種錯誤測量指標,以最終結果輪廓位置圖與統計數值表示。

Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution, which is abbreviated to DRLSE, is an algorithm for image segmentation. In this thesis, we aim to improve the traditional DRLSE algorithm using edge indicator function, and develop a standard process using the proposed algorithm to separate phalanx from its background automatically.
The key factor in the performance of DRLSE algorithm is the initial level contour. The closer the initial level contour and the outline of the target, the better result we get. The traditional DRLSE algorithm sets the initial level contour manually, which can be a tedious and inefficient work. In order to achieve better result, we propose a method using the predefined edge indicator function and several of image processing techniques to set the initial level contour automatically before traditional DRLSE evolution.
Besides the general image segmentation problem, this study focuses on the problem of phalanx segmentation in particular. We proposed a standard process to separate phalanx from its background automatically by using the proposed modified DRLSE algorithm. The parameters setting of the algorithm are simplified, without the need for manual setting.
The test images include some general images and a set of phalanx images. The result images, the execution time, the number of DRLSE iterations, and some measure of errors such as ME, RFAE, MHD, EMM, NU and Mean Errors are shown as experimental results. According to the experimental results, the proposed algorithm has three advantages over the traditional algorithm. First, the proposed algorithm sets the initial level contour automatically. It's more efficient and more convenient than the traditional one. Second, the whole computation time and the number of DRLSE iterations can be reduced drastically, which can avoid the waste of computing resources effectively. Third, the experimental results of the automated method for phalanx images have proved that the proposed algorithm works better. It can really help to enhance the effect of the DRLSE operation and reduces the error rates.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 文獻回顧 2
1.3.1 參數式主動輪廓模型 2
1.3.2 GVF Snake 4
1.3.3 幾何式主動輪廓模型 6
1.4 研究目的 8
1.5 論文架構 8
第二章 理論與方法 10
2.1 傳統的Level Set方法 10
2.1.1 Level Set演化方式 10
2.1.2 重新初始化 13
2.2 距離正規化水平集演化(DRLSE) 15
2.2.1 能量函數 15
2.2.2 Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution 19
2.2.3 兩階段式收斂的Level Set方法 22
2.3 結合圖型邊界地圖資訊的DRLSE方法並全自動化圈選指骨輪廓 24
2.3.1 以影像的g值做Level Set處理 24
2.3.2 以影像處理技術選取適當的輪廓線 30
2.3.3 加上傳統的DRLSE 34
2.3.4 使DRLSE疊代次數自動化 36
2.3.5 使g值threshold選擇自動化 39
2.3.6 全自動化處理指骨資料庫 42
2.4 錯誤測量指標 45
2.4.1 人工繪製Ground Truth 46
2.4.2 ME 47
2.4.3 RFAE 47
2.4.4 MHD 48
2.4.5 EMM 48
2.4.6 NU 49
2.4.7 Mean Errors 49
第三章 實驗結果 50
3.1 資料準備 50
3.2 實驗結果 51
3.2.1 一般影像結果 52
3.2.2 指骨影像結果 62
3.2.3 指骨影像自動化處理統計結果 70
第四章 結論 79
4.1 結論 79
4.2 未來展望 80
參考文獻 81

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