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作者(外文):Chang, Chun-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Breast Cancer Survival Analysis of Domestic Female and Bone Age Assessment of Domestic Children Using SPSS
指導教授(外文):Jong, Tai-Lang
口試委員(外文):Chi-Wen Hsieh
Chih-Yen Chen
外文關鍵詞:Survival analysisBone age assessmentMultiple regression
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而手指骨的研究也一直都是受到廣泛討論的議題,藉由手骨的X光影像,可以用來判讀其生長的情況,概略的身高預測,而其骨頭的年齡和其本身的年齡是否相符合,或是否有內分泌失調的狀況,可以及早給醫生得知這項訊息。Tanner and Whitehouse(TW)法為常用骨齡評估方法之一,TW骨齡評估法是取左手X光片影像之後再對左手X光影像的二十個骨頭部位去做評分,最後將所有分數加總並製成成熟度分數與骨齡的對應表來預判骨齡。本研究就參考了TW法並增加一些參數(指節的長與寬和面積以及生長板寬度)去做SPSS的多元回歸分析。在做多元分析前先用主成分分析法(PCA)降低參數的維度。發現年齡與指節的長度成正相關而與生長板的寬度則負相關成長,在預判骨齡上女生的誤差會比男生來的小許多,這或許跟女生的發育期較早而男生發育期時間拉的比較長有關,所以在骨齡預判的結果上來看女生的正確率也比男生還好上一截。
In medicine, cancer has been the leading cause of death in Taiwan for decades; meanwhile breast cancer is among the top 10 cause of cancer death. Therefore, this research tries to explore domestic breast cancer survival analysis by SPSS using the valuable clinical data provided by Doctor Yi-Hong Chou, the Taipei Veterans General Hospital. Life table, Kaplan-Meier analysis, and Cox-regression on the data reveals that axillary metastasis, lymph node metastasis, tumor size and progesterone receptor (PR) are the important factors leading to breast cancer. The majority of patients died in the first four years, and the mortality rate is significantly reduced if survived more than five years.
The research of phalanx has been the subject that is discussed widely as well. With X-ray image of phalanx, the condition of the growth, and the estimate of height can be interpreted. And whether the age of phalanx is in accordance with real age is the basis for doctor to diagnose whether the patient might have the endocrine disorders or other disease. Tanner and Whitehouse (TW) is a method to estimate the age of phalanx. 20 parts of RUS and Carpal bones in the X-ray image of left hand are scored against corresponding bone maturity stages templates, respectively. RUS system score and Carpal system score are then formed by summing up individual bone part maturity scores and the bone age is prognosed by looking up the table of maturity score vs. bone age. This research makes reference to TW method and try to do bone age assessment by using SPSS multiple regression analysis with increased parameters including the length, width, and area of phalanges and thickness of epiphysis. PCA is applied first before multiple regression analysis. We found that bone age and the phalanx’s length have the positive correlation in growth, and thickness of epiphysis has the negative correlation with bone age. In assessing bone age using the multiple regression analysis, the results in girls are always better than boys in terms of assessment accuracy. Perhaps it is because the growth development of girls is earlier than boys, and the boy’s development spans over relatively long period of time.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機
1.2 文獻回顧
1.3 論文架構
第二章 數據資料介紹及使用軟體說明
2.1 乳癌資料來源
2.2 乳癌資料參數分類整理
2.3 手指骨X光片影像資料
2.4 手指骨X光片參數選取說明
第三章 分析方法與流程
3.1 乳癌分析流程
3.2 乳癌分析方法
3.2.1 存活分析
3.2.2 K-M法
3.2.3 Cox-regression Model
3.3 指骨分析流程
3.4 指骨分析方法
3.4.1 多元迴歸
3.4.2 主成分分析
第四章 結果分析
4.1 乳癌患者之存活分析
4.1.1 生命表
4.1.2 Kaplan-Meier分析
4.1.3 Cox-regression 分析
4.2 以手指骨比值及指骨面積預測骨齡之多元迴歸分析
4.2.1 描述性統計與次數分配表
4.2.2 男女生手指骨比值及指骨面積之描述性統計
4.2.3 手指骨比值之主成分分析
4.2.4 手指骨比值與手指面積之多元迴歸分析
第五章 結論及未來展望
5.1 結論
5.2 未來展望
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