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作者(外文):Wu, Tsung-Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):Defect Modeling, Analysis and Diagnosis for FinFET-Based SRAM
指導教授(外文):Wu, Cheng-Wen
口試委員(外文):Shyue-Kung Lu
King, Ya-Chin
Hao-Chiao Hong
Cheng-Wen Wu
外文關鍵詞:memory testFinFETfault modelfailure analysisdefect diagnosis
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:441
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:7
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FinFET is a solution to the process-scaling problems, such as short channel effect and large leakage. The thin body of FinFET is typically lightly doped, thereby eliminating the threshold voltage deviation caused by random dopant fluctuation effects. The FinFET-based SRAM, therefore, has high stability and low power consumption. However, FinFET has its specific defect models due to the special fin structure. The defects occurred on nanowire could affect fins of multiple transistors according to FinFET-specific layouts. Targeting these defects, we propose some criteria to investigate defect candidates from schematics, then simulating and summarizing the corresponding fault models. In our summary, there are special defects, vague defects, causing no logical fault but leading to reliability degradation, especially in deep sub-micron technology. Focusing on vague defects, we further propose a method to test them. In order to improve defect level, we propose a testing strategy that achieves high diagnosis resolution to identify these defect candidates with read current sensor support. A defect dictionary is finally built by this method, assisting in fast defect diagnosis for the FinFET-based SRAM in the future. In this thesis, we inject these defects respectively to each transistor in FinFET-based 6T-SRAM circuits for simulation. The testing strategy has been validated by SPICE simulation using 20 nm low-standby power (LSTP) model cards from the PTM website (Predictive Technology Model).
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation & Background 1
1.2 Objective 3
1.3 Organization 3
Chapter 2 FinFET Structures and Defect Models 4
2.1 FinFET Device 4
2.2 Defect Models for FinFET Structures 5
2.2.1 Missing Fins of FinFET 5
2.2.2 Stuck-on Fins of FinFET 6
2.3 Defect Models for FinFET-based SRAM Cell 6
Chapter 3 Resistive Open and Stuck-on Defect in SRAM Cells 7
3.1 Defect Candidates Investigation 7
3.2 Analysis of Resistive Open Defect in the Cell 10
3.3 Related Existing Fault Models 10
3.3.1 Analysis of Open Defect in Category-1 11
3.3.2 Analysis of Open Defect in Category-2 15
3.3.3 Analysis of Open Defect in Category-3 17
3.3.4 Analysis of Open Defect in Category-4 20
3.3.5 Summary of Open Defects 21
3.4 Analysis of Stuck-on Fin Defect in the Cell 22
3.4.1 Analysis of Stuck-on Defect in Category-1 23
3.4.2 Analysis of Stuck-on Defect in Category-2 26
3.4.3 Analysis of Stuck-on Defect in Category-3 27
3.4.4 Analysis of Stuck-on Defect in Category-4 30
3.4.5 Summary of Stuck-on Defects 32
3.5 Tolerance of Defect on Part of Fins 33
Chapter 4 Testing Strategy for Diagnosing Vague Open and Stuck-on Defects 34
4.1 The Concept for Testing Strategy 34
4.2 Proposed Write Conditions 36
Chapter 5 Experimental Results 40
5.1 Simulation Results of Category-1 in WCA 40
5.1.1 Missing Fin Defect Simulation 40
5.1.2 Stuck-on Fin Defect Simulation 42
5.2 Simulation Results of Category-1 in WCB 43
5.2.1 Missing Fin Defect Simulation 43
5.2.2 Stuck-on Fin Defect Simulation 45
5.3 Simulation Results of Category-2 in WCA 46
5.3.1 Missing Fin Defect Simulation 46
5.3.2 Stuck-on Fin Defect Simulation 47
5.4 Simulation Results of Category-2 in WCB 48
5.4.1 Missing Fin Defect Simulation 48
5.4.2 Stuck-on Fin Defect Simulation 49
5.5 Simulation Results of Category-3 in WCA 50
5.5.1 Missing Fin Defect Simulation 50
5.5.2 Stuck-on Fin Defect Simulation 50
5.6 Simulation Results of Category-3 in WCB 51
5.6.1 Missing Fin Defect Simulation 51
5.6.2 Stuck-on Fin Defect Simulation 52
5.7 Simulation Results of Category-4 in WCA 53
5.7.1 Missing Fin Defect Simulation 53
5.7.2 Stuck-on Fin Defect Simulation 54
5.8 Simulation Results of Category-4 in WCB 54
5.8.1 Missing Fin Defect Simulation 54
5.8.2 Stuck-on Fin Defect Simulation 56
5.9 Defect Dictionary Generation 57
5.9.1 Diagnostics of Class 3 60
5.9.2 Diagnostics of Class 4 and Class 5 62
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Works 64
References 65
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