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作者(外文):Chen, Bing-Kun
論文名稱(外文):Amplifier-based quorum sensing design via promoter-RBS library for metal ions detection enhancement in Escherichia coli
指導教授(外文):Chen, Bor-Sen
口試委員(外文):Ping-Hsuan Hsieh
Roa-Pu Shen
外文關鍵詞:quorum sensingmetal ion detectionbiosensoramplifier
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:81
  • 評分評分:*****
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Synthetic biology reengineers cell programs and employees mathematical methods for the purposes of the medical treatment, green energy and environment remediation etc.. In this study, an amplifier-based biosensor is designed for enhancing the metal ion detection performance. The proposed amplifier utilizes the difference of cell membrane permeability and promoter abilities between metal ion-induced system and bacteria quorum sensing system to achieve the amplifying function. For the applications of amplifier-based biosensor, we choose two copper-induced systems and one lead-induced system to exploit the better metal ion detection performance of the amplifier-based biosensor system than that of the conventional biosensor system. After constructing the dynamic equations of synthetic genetic circuits, we could predict the cell responses with well-characteristic component libraries and well-identified kinetic parameters. And with the selection of various strengths promoter-RBS components in the amplifier part of amplifier-based biosensor system, we can offer different detection specifications of amplifier-based biosensor system in silicon. Selection of various promoter-RBS components from the corresponding component libraries could provide designer with different detection requirement of metal ion biosensor. Finally, the experimental results verify that the proposed amplifier-based biosensor exactly could enhance the detection ability of metal ions.
摘 要
List of Figures
List of Tables
Biosensor circuit and amplifier design for metal ion detection
2.1 Construction of copper biosensor circuit
2.2 Construction of lead biosensor circuit
2.3 Design of amplifier-based bacteria metal ion biosensor
2.4 Dynamic models of biosensor circuit
2.5 Dynamic models of amplifier-based biosensor systems
Detection ability and specification of amplifier-based metal ion biosensor with various promoter-RBS components
3.1 Methodology to characterize the promoter-RBS strength by genetic algorithm
3.2 Various detection specifications of amplifier-based biosensor in silico
3.3 Detection ability of biosensors without/with amplifier in vivo
3.4 Various design specifications of amplifier-based biosensor with different promoter-RBS components in vivo
Supplementary Information
A. Supplementary Tables
B. Dynamic equation of catalysis process
C. Supplementary Figures
D. Material and Method
Genetic circuit constructions
Growth medium and GFP assay
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