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作者(外文):Wu, Hsin-Jung
論文名稱(外文):Object Tracking Based on Multi-tracker Selection
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chia-Wen
外文關鍵詞:Object TrackingMultiple TrackersFeature Weighting
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:551
  • 評分評分:*****
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In this thesis, we propose a framework which can improve object tracking based
on integration of multiple trackers. Object tracking has been attention last decades,
but there are not any tracker can be widely adapted to the changing environment in
real-world, in our best knowledge. Statistics shows that due to the trackers based on
different kind of methods, in the tracking, it will be relatively good and prone to
failure in different sequences based on different circumstances. In the past, there are
paper used combine many sampled tracker to solve this problem; but there are too
many restrictions. Therefore, in this thesis we hope to achieve widespread adapt to
changing environment by combining multiple trackers, and then, enhance the
performance of object tracking.
In step combination of trackers, we will classify trackers into different properties,
according to the tracker do well in which environments. Classification includes
environmental influence causes tracker failure, such as illumination variation,
occlusion, moving camera, and target appearance changes, etc. we combine
complementary tracker according to classification of property, in order to achieve the
most significant improvement of performance and adapt to the extensive situation.
Moreover, to make the appearance evaluation more reliable, features have different
weighting according to similarity between the object and the background; it is
inversely proportional to the degree of similarity.
Among experimental results show the superiorities in our method. First, in the
combination of trackers are not restricted to the method. In other words, we can select
any tracker to combination, to improve the tracker’s performance; on the other hand,
we confirm the selection by tracker, can effectively combine different properties of
tracker, to achieve the most significant performance improvement.
摘要................................................................................................................................ ii
Abstract .......................................................................................................................... v
Content .......................................................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Research Background .......................................................................................... 1
1.2 Motivation and Objective .................................................................................... 3
1.3 Thesis Organization ............................................................................................ 4
Chapter 2 Related Work................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Multiple Trackers ................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Analysis of the Trackers ...................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3 Proposed Method......................................................................................... 12
3.1 Training Reference Tracker with the Property .................................................. 13
3.2 Testing with Appearance Evaluation ................................................................ 17
3.3 Adaptive Weighting .......................................................................................... 22
Chapter 4 Experimental Results and Analysis ............................................................. 25
4.1 Overall Performance ......................................................................................... 25
4.2 Analyze the Selection of Tracker ...................................................................... 32
4.3 Analyze the Penalty of the PoE ......................................................................... 36
4.4 Robustness of Ours Method .............................................................................. 37
Chapter 5 Conclusion ................................................................................................... 40
Reference ..................................................................................................................... 41
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