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作者(外文):Chen, I-Chieh
論文名稱(外文):Image Classification Using Naive Bayes Classifier With Pairwise Local Observations
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chung-Lin
Zhong, Tai-Lang
口試委員(外文):Shiaw-Shian Yu
Kuo-Chin Fan
外文關鍵詞:naive bayes classifierpairwise local observationssalient regionkeypoint feature
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  • 評分評分:*****
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我們提出使用成對的區域圖形觀察與樸素貝氏分類器的圖形辨識演算法,和當今以關鍵特徵點為基準的圖形分類方法不同,如金字塔式空間性匹配演算法以及其變形方法,它是提供當今最有效的圖形分類方法之一,但他無法直覺的解釋為什麼有優良的分類效果,和此類的演算法不相同的是,我們所提出的方法是一種不會受到圖形比例、絕對位置以及旋轉所影響的演算法,我們希望藉由將成對的區域圖形觀察建立辨識模型去模擬人類的視覺系統,此模型是利用描述物件突出的觀察區域之間的關係去描繪整體物件的外觀,首先我們會提供一些背景知識,包含關鍵點特徵擷取以及不同方之間的比較,當然還有關於顯著區域的偵測方法,接下來說明關於我們設計出的模型實際的操作方法以及好處,這邊會詳細說明所有的步驟以及流程,並提供理論推導,為了驗證我們方法的正確性,我們還會論證我們的假設以及猜測,並以實驗驗證我們的數學模型,我們以目前非常多人使用的圖形資料庫 Scene-15以及Caltech-101資料庫用於演算法正確性驗證的實驗,並將正確率和詞袋模型以及金字塔式空間性匹配演算法做正確率的比較,並在最後以圖示化秀出部分實驗的結果。
We present image classification method using Naive Bayes classifier using pairwise local observations (NBPLO) based on the salient region (SR) selection and the local feature detection. Different from previous image classification algorithms, our method is a scale, translation, and rotation invariant classification algorithm. By transforming the pairwise local observations into training vectors, we may simulate the human visual system by developing the training classification model based on the neighboring relationship of the selected SRs. We verify our assumptions with Scene-15 and Caltech-101 database and compare the difference of mainstream feature point detection methods. And also compare the experiment results of bag-of-features (BoF) and SPM algorithms.
Abstract I
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Previous Work 2
1.3 Overview 3
Chapter 2 Basic Assumption and System 4
2.1 Basic Assumptions and Conjectures 4
2.2 System Architecture 5
Chapter 3 Feature Extraction 7
3.1 SIFT 7
3.2 SURF 9
3.3 Dense SIFT 11
Chapter 4 Feature Quantization and Bag-of-Feature Assignment 12
4.1 K-means Algorithm 13
4.2 Online Spherical K-means Algorithm 14
4.3 Bag-of-Features Algorithm 14
4.4 Bag-of-Features Soft-Weighting Assignment 15
Chapter 5 Naive Bayes Classifier for Pairwise Local Observations 16
5.1 Salient Region Detection 16
5.2 Description Design for Detected Salient Regions 19
5.3 Local Pairwise Observation 20
5.4 Regression Model Training 21
5.5 Naïve Bayes Assumption for Object Recognition 23
Chapter 6 Implementation Details, Hypothesis Verification, and Improvements 26
6.1 The Problem of Empty Salient Regions 26
6.2 Bag of Features with Means by Kernel Weighting 27
6.3 Adjacent Local Observation with Different Scale 29
6.4 Parameters of BoF Soft-Weighting Assignment 29
6.5 The Influence of Single Observation 31
6.6 Likelihood Ratio 33
6.7 Pseudo Normalization 34
6.8 Renewed Training and Testing Process 34
Chapter 7 Experiments 37
7.1 Caltech-101 dataset 37
7.2 Scene-15 dataset 45
Chapter 8 Conclusion and Future Work 52
Reference 53
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