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作者(外文):Lin, Meng-Hsin
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Modeling of a Low Input Current Ripple Step Up/Down KP DC Converter
指導教授(外文):Pan, Ching-Tsai
Wu, Tsai-Fu
外文關鍵詞:step up/down converterzero input current ripplecontinuous conduction modediscontinuous conduction modeKP converter
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  • 評分評分:*****
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  為充分使用太陽光發電系統能源,低輸入電流漣波升降壓型直流轉換器常作為前級電路,以進行最大功率點追蹤(MPPT)控制。雖然現有文獻中亦提出許多電流漣波消除技術,然而透過這些技術將會增加額外元件,或電路複雜度及成本。因此,本論文針對指導教授潘晴財博士為紀念其父親潘恭先生(Mr. Kung Pan)百年冥誕,所提出之低輸入電流漣波升降壓型KP直流轉換器作更進一步探討與分析。
  For fully exploiting the available solar energy in a photovoltaic (PV) generating system, it normally requires a low input current ripple step up/down dc converter as a front stage for implementing the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control. Although several techniques have been proposed to conquer the input current ripple problem in existing literature, they suffer from either adding extra elements or increasing circuit complexity. Therefore, the major motivation of this thesis is aimed at further study of a low input current ripple step up/down KP DC converter which was proposed by Prof. Pan in memory of his beloved father, Mr. Kung Pan (KP).
  The main contributions of this thesis could be summarized as follows: First, The operational principles and the theoretical analyses of the converter operated in both continuous conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) are presented. It reveals the input current ripple of the converter in both CCM and DCM can be very small without extra filter elements. Besides, partial energy could be delivered to the output without switching mode operation which will result in efficiency enhancement. Second, the corresponding mathematical models for both CCM and DCM are derived in details. For CCM, an autotransformer model instead of the traditional isolation transformer is adopted in the equivalent circuit which can explicitly show the special feature of the converter. Finally, a laboratory prototype with rating 200W and 48V output voltage is constructed. Experimental results show high consistency with simulation results, and the measured input current ripple of the converter is about 0.81% of input current in full load. The maximum efficiencies for step up mode and step down mode are 95.76% and 96.16%, respectively.
Chinese Abstract                                        I
Abstract                                             II
Acknowledgement                                     III
Table of Contents                                    IV
List of Figures                                  VI
List of Tables…                                     XI
CHAPTER 1 Introduction                                1
1.1 Motivation                                     1
1.2 Literature Survey                                 3
1.3 Contributions of the Thesis                           4
1.4 Outline of the Contents                            4
CHAPTER 2 Review of Step Up/Down Converters                6
2.1 Introduction                                     6
2.2 Buckboost Converter                                 6
2.3 Cúk Converter                                   10
2.4 A Novel Buck-Boost Converter Combining KY and Buck Converters    16
CHAPTER 3 Analysis of Low Input Current Ripple Step Up/Down KP Converter 24
3.1 Introduction                                 24
3.2 Zero Inductor Current Ripple Principle                     25
3.3 Circuit Configuration and Operational Principles              27
3.4 Converter Characteristics in CCM                        39
3.5 Converter Characteristics in DCM                     50
CHAPTER 4 Modeling of Low Input Current Ripple Step Up/Down KP Converter 56
4.1 Introduction                                  56
4.2 Mathematical Model in CCM                             56
4.3 Mathematical Model in DCM                            63
4.4 Converter Open-Loop Transfer Functions                   68
CHAPTER 5 Implementation and Experimental Results             78
5.1 Introduction                                 78
5.2 Design Guidelines of Power Circuit                      79
5.3 Hardware Implementation                           83
5.4 Experimental Results                             85
CHAPTER 6 Conclusions                               105
6.1 Conclusions                                    105
6.2 Recommended Future Research                            106
References……                                       108
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