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作者(外文):Su, Chen Ying
論文名稱(外文):Aboriginal Taiwanese High School Students’ English Learning Investment and Practices: A Qualitative Investigation
指導教授(外文):Chang, Yu Jung
口試委員(外文):Huang, Hung Tzu
Chang, Yueh Ching
外文關鍵詞:English learningcapitalinvestmentidentity
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台灣原住民佔台灣人口總數的百分之二。自一九八零年代起,社會大眾開始關注台灣原住民的社會與教育議題,儘管各方持續致力於原住民運動,台灣原住民仍處於台灣社經與學術地位的底層 (Ericsson, 2004)。在英語學習方面,許多研究指出台灣原住民學生在校的學業表現較差 (e.g. Chang, 2004; Su, 2006),然而,先前的研究僅探討原住民學生現下的英語學習態度與成果,但這些研究在進行結果分析與討論時,並未將學生的個人成長歷史與其過去學習經驗納入考慮。因此,本研究以Bourdieu (1977, 1986) 提出之「資本論」(capital) 以及Norton (2000; Norton Pierce, 1995) 提出之「投資理論」(investment),探討台灣原住民學生的可得資源、社會互動、生命歷程、英語學習經驗如何影響其英語學習與實踐。本研究發現即使台灣原住民學生擁有不同形式的資本(capital) 幫助其學習英語,但是他們的英語投資 (investment) 仍受到他人對原住民身份與自己對自己原住民身份的認同影響,在英語投資的過程中,台灣原住民學生會持續地評估自己的投資項目與學習目標並不斷地重新建構自己的身份,研究結果發現台灣原住民學生具有自主能力可以做出給予自己正向回饋與報酬的投資選擇,除此之外,他們所做的投資選擇也可以幫助其在英語或其他領域上有所成就。
Aboriginal Taiwanese constitute 2 % of the total population. Since the 1980s, increased public attention has been paid to social and educational issues of the indigenous peoples in Taiwan. Though the supporting effort is still ongoing, aboriginal Taiwanese still remain on the lowest rungs of the socioeconomic and academic ladders (Ericsson, 2004). With regard to English learning, several studies have indicated aboriginal students’ inferior English academic performance at school (e.g. Chang, 2004; Su, 2006). However, the analyses offered by previous studies have merely focused on students’ present academic participation and learning outcomes without taking their personal histories and past learning experiences into consideration. Through the lens of capital (Bourdieu, 1977; 1986) and investment (Norton, 2000; Norton Peirce, 1995), this study explores how aboriginal students' available resources, social interactions, life histories, and English learning experiences shape and reshape their English learning investment and practices. This study demonstrates that even if aboriginal Taiwanese students learn English owned diverse forms of capital benefiting English language learning, they still struggle with other-imposed and self-perceived ethnic identities to make English investment. In the process of English investment and practices, they keep assessing their investment choices, learning objectives, and reconstructing their identities. The findings shows that aboriginal Taiwanese students have the ability to make selection of investment, which not only give them positive returns but also help them achieve successfully in English or nonlanguage areas.
Abstract (Chinese) ........................................................................................i
Abstract (English) .........................................................................................ii
Table of Contents ........................................................................................iii

Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Teaching Aboriginal High School Students in Taiwan 1
1.2 Aboriginals in Taiwan: Challenges and Supports 1
1.3 English Education for Aboriginal Taiwanese 4

Chapter Two Literature Review 6
2.1 English Language Learning Experiences of the Minorities 6
2.2 English Language Learning and Indigenous Peoples 8
2.3 English Language Learning of Aboriginals in Taiwan 10
2.4 Re-identification of Aboriginal Taiwanese English Learning Research Direction 13

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework 15
3.1 Capital 15
3.2 Investment, Identity, and Language Learning 16
3.2.1 Multiple Identities and Language Learning 18
3.2.2 Learner Agency and Language Learning 20
3.3 Research Gap 22
3.4 Research Questions 23

Chapter Four Methodology 25
4.1 Research Design 25
4.2 Research Site 26
4.3 Participants 28
4.4 Data Collection 29
4.4.1 Interviews 29
4.4.2 Class Observation 31
4.4.3 School Document Compilation 32
4.5 Data Analysis 32

Chapter Five Results 34
5.1 Chiu 34
5.1.1 Background 34
5.1.2 English Learning Journey 36
5.1.3 On Being an Aboriginal Taiwanese Student 43
5.2 Kung 47
5.2.1 Background 47
5.2.2 English Learning Journey 50
5.2.3 On Being an Aboriginal Taiwanese Student 56

Chapter Six Discussion 64
6.1 Aboriginal Students as Agents: Diverse Forms of Capital and Investments 64
6.1.1 Ownership of Diverse Forms of Capital 64
6.1.2 Investment Made in English and Nonlanguage Areas 68
6.2 Learning as Aboriginals: Struggles and Negotiations 71
6.2.1 Other-imposed Ethnic Identities Prevent Aboriginal Students from English Investment 72
6.2.2 Self-perceived Ethnic Identities Inhibit Aboriginal Students from English Investment 74

Chapter Seven Conclusions 78

References 82
Appendix A Consent Form 92
Appendix B Semi-structured Interview Protocol 94
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