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作者(外文):Chang,Ting Yu
論文名稱(外文):The effects of inductive-explicit and deductive-explicit form-focused instruction on L2 pragmatic production and retention: The case of teaching English requests
指導教授(外文):Huang, Hung Tzu
口試委員(外文):Lin, Hui Fen
Chang, Yu Jung
外文關鍵詞:L2 pragmaticspragmatic productioninductive instructiondeductive instructionrequestretention
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在外語語用教學的文獻中,最受關注的一類研究之一為比較外顯式和內隱式「以形式為主」的教學方式對學習者外語語用行為表現的影響。目前,大部份的外語語用教學研究支持有意注意假設(noticing hypothesis), 並指出外顯式「以形式為主」的教學方式能比內隱式「以形式為主」的教學方式更能吸引學習者對學習內容的注意。此外,外顯式「以形式為主」的教學方式也更能產生顯著和持久的效果。但是,在有些學者持續追蹤學習者對於語用知能的記憶力後,發現外顯式「以形式為主」的教學方式沒辦法確保學習者能持久記憶所學的語用知能。為了提升學習者在外顯式教學法下的記憶持久性,有部分學者認為可在教學中降低學習者的認知負荷。除了將認知負荷理論(Cognitive load theory)應用於提升學習者對語用知能的記憶,更多文獻將重心著墨於研究學習者對學習資訊的處理層次。根據處理層次模型,協助學習者連結語言語用能力和社交語用能力以及採用歸納式教學法可促使學習者進行更深層之處理,進而提升長期記憶。至今,相關研究甚少,許多學者呼籲能有更多針對歸納式語用教學法的研究。
為了更了解不同教學法對於學習者語用能力表現和記憶,本研究比較歸納外顯式「以形式為主」的教學方式(inductive-explicit FFI)與演繹外顯式「以形式為主」的教學方式(deductive-explicit FFI)對學習英語請求的成效。本研究將以英語為外語學習者在表現請求恰當性(request appropriateness)的前測、後測和延後測做質化和量化的分析。資料分析的來源為語言言談情境問卷(DCT)。後測在教學實驗後立即實施,而延後測在教學實驗後隔五週實施。歸納外顯式「以形式為主」的教學方式(inductive-explicit FFI)的受試者樣本數為39名。演繹外顯式「以形式為主」的教學方式的受試者樣本數為41名。兩組實驗組的受試者皆來自同一所大學,英語程度為中等程度。兩組的教學實驗皆為5小時,教學內容皆包含元語用解釋(metapragmatic explanation)、引導式問題、語用形式比較、恰當性評估以及語用知能討論。
Among the literature of instruction on L2 pragmatic competence, one of the most popular kind of investigation is to compare explicit and implicit form-focused instruction (FFI) on learners’ pragmatic production. So far, most L2 pragmatic instruction studies have supported Noticing hypothesis (Schmidt, 1993, 1995, 2012) and have pointed out that explicit FFI can better draw learners’ attention to the learning targets than implicit FFI. Furthermore, explicit FFI could also produce stronger and longer instructional effect than its counterpart. However, as some researchers continued tracing learners’ retention of the pragmatic knowledge, it was found that explicit FFI does not guarantee durable instructional effects. To enhance the durability of explicit FFI, some researchers claimed that instructors could reduce learners’ cognitive load when teaching. In addition to the application of Cognitive load theory on learners’ retention of L2 pragmatics, more plentiful literature was found to concentrate on learners’ depth of processing when receiving instructions. According to Levels of processing model (Craik & Lockart, 1972), helping learners make L2 pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic connections as well as to adopt inductive FFI could lead to learners’ greater depth of processing and promote long-term retention. Many researchers have thus called for more investigations of inductive FFI on learners’ pragmatic competence and retention since relevant studies remain scant thus far.
To broaden the knowledge of different instructional effects on learners’ pragmatic production and retention, the present study compares inductive-explicit and deductive-explicit FFI on English requests. The appropriateness of EFL learners’ requests was evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively through a pre-, post-, and delayed post-test, collected through the form of DCT. The post-test was conducted immediately after instruction, and the delayed post-test was conducted five weeks after the instruction. In other words, the instructional effects from both the inductive-explicit and deductive-explicit FFI are not only compared in short-term but also in long-term. The inductive-explicit group includes 39 Taiwanese participants and the deductive-explicit includes 41 Taiwanese participants. The participants in both groups came from the same university and are at the intermediate level. The two experimental groups receive either inductive-explicit or deductive-explicit FFI for five hours. Both types of explicit instructions contain metapragmatic explanations, guided questions, form-comparisons, appropriateness evaluations and discussions on the target pragmatic knowledge. The two types of FFI differ in terms of the sequence of tasks and it is said that inductive FFI requires a greater depth of processing on the part of the learners than deductive FFI.
The results show that both FFI improved learners request appropriateness as both groups used more modifiers and avoided direct expressions after instruction. By using a two-way mixed-design ANOVA, it was found that the appropriateness scores from both groups’ post-test and delayed post-test are significantly better than their pre-test scores. In both groups’ post- and delayed post-tests, although the increase occurred more obviously on the use of specific modifiers, the more modifiers used under demanding social conditions showed inductive and deductive instructional effects in learners’ pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic knowledge. Theoretically, the results imply that learners’ noticing and greater processing of the L2 pragmatic targets are supported to promote stronger and longer instructional effects. Pedagogically, the results suggest that intermediate EFL learners could be equally benefited from both inductive-explicit and deductive-explicit FFI as long as the instruction contains sufficient L2 pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic connections.
ABSTRACT (Chinese) 2
ABSTRACT (English) 4
Chapter 1 Introduction 10
1.1 Background and motivation of the study 10
1.2 Research purposes 13
Chapter 2 Literature review 14
2.1 Definition of pragmatic competence 14
2.2 Communication appropriateness and the development of L2 pragmatic competence 15
2.3 Form-focused instruction on L2 pragmatic competence 16
2.3.1 Noticing Hypothesis 16
2.3.2 Explicit and implicit FFI on L2 pragmatic competence 18
2.4 Enhancing pragmatic retention: explicit FFI 21
2.5 Enhancing pragmatic retention: materials which reduce learners’ cognitive load 25
2.6 Enhancing pragmatic retention: tasks which require deep processing 26
2.7 The effect of inductive-explicit and deductive-explicit FFI 28
2.8 Research questions 32
Chapter 3 Methodology 34
3.1 Participants and learning context 34
3.2 Development of the instructional material 35
3.2.1 The target pragmatic features for instruction 35
3.2.2 Teaching materials 38
3.3 Instructional treatments 41
3.3.1 Inductive-explicit FFI 42
3.3.2 Deductive-explicit FFI 46
3.4 Testing instruments and procedures 49
3.5 Data analysis 50
Chapter 4 Results 56
4.1 Learners’ short-term and long-term improvement on appropriateness scores 56
4.1.1 Inter-rater reliability 56
4.1.2 Results from the pre-, post-, and delayed post-test 57
4.2 The comparison of request production before and after instruction 59
4.2.1 Direct requests and improper hints or suggestions 59
4.2.2 The amount and the diversity of modifiers 67
4.3 Summary of the findings 87
Chapter 5 Discussion 88
5.1 The role of instructional explicitness in teaching L2 pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic knowledge 88
5.2 The effect of inductive-explicit and deductive-explicit FFI on learners’ pragmatic retention 92
5.3 The instructional effect on the types of modifiers 97
Chapter 6 Conclusions 99
6.1 Theoretical implications 99
6.2 Pedagogical implications 101
6.3 Limitations and suggestions for future research 104
References 106
Appendix 115
Appendix A 115
Appendix B 116
Appendix C 121
Appendix D 132
Appendix E 133
Appendix F 137
Appendix G 140
Appendix H 143
Appendix I 146

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