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作者(外文):Ko, Yu Han
論文名稱(外文):A Self System Perspective on Early Adolescents’ English Learning Motivation: Differences in Urban and Rural Areas and the Intervention Program
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Chun Chieh
外文關鍵詞:L2 learning motivationRegional differenceDörnyei’s L2 Motivational Self SystemIntervention program
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許多國家發現英文學習的城鄉差距,學者認為這差異和學習者的英文學習動機息息相關。本研究以Dörnyei (2005, 2009)的第二語言自我形象(L2 Motivational Self System)為研究架構,來探討台灣城鄉國中生英語學習動機的差異,並設計中介活動增進台灣偏鄉地區學生的英語學習動機。台北市、台東市、台東縣分別被選為代表台灣的城市(metropolitan city)、城鎮(provincial town)和鄉下(rural area)。我們發放問卷給這三區共931位國中生填寫,並使用分析出的數據來探討城鄉學生英文學習動機的差異。單因子變異系數分析(One-way ANOVA)顯示這三區學生英文學習動機的差異。第一,台北市學生英文學習動機高於台東縣學生,但是在校內英文學習經驗(Learning Experience in School)上沒有明顯差異。第二,台北市學生在學習態度(Attitude)和校內學習經驗(Learning Experience in School)上高於台東市學生。第三,台東市學生比起台東縣學生有較高的必須我(Ought-to L2 Self)、家人影響(Family Influence)、學習提升(Instrumentality-Promotion)以及國際心境(International Posture)。多元回歸分析(Regression)結果顯示學生的態度(Attitude)、校外學習經驗(Learning Experience out of School)和國際心境(International Posture)是最能夠預測這三區學生英文學習動機的項目。其中,較有趣的發現為,理想我(Ideal L2 Self)以及學習預防(Instrumentality-Prevention)只對台北市學生有明顯預測力;必須我(Ought-to L2 Self)則對台東市學生有較顯著的預測力;台東市和台東縣的學生有較顯著的視覺偏好學習(Visual Learning Preference)。皮爾森相關係數(Pearson Correlation)分析的結果指出,理想我(Ideal L2 Self)和必須我(Ought-to L2 Self)跟想像力(Imagery Capacity)、視覺和聽覺學習偏好(Visual and Auditory Learning Preference)以及預期付出努力(Intended Learning Effort)在這三區學生當中皆呈現出顯著的正相關。配對樣本t檢定(Paired T-test)結果顯示,中介活動(Intervention Program)可有效提升台東縣學生的英文學習動機。非正式面談的資料指出,訪談者的理想我(Ideal L2 Self)是最能夠增強英文學習動機的項目。我們在論文中有詳盡討論這三區學生英文學習動機上的差異以及教學上的啟示。
The regional difference in English learning is assumed to be related to the differences in learners’ L2 learning motivation under different regional contexts. Using Dörnyei’s L2 Motivational Self System as the theoretic framework, the present study not only investigates Taiwanese early adolescents’ L2 learning motivation dispositions in urban (Taipei City), provincial (Taitung City), and rural (Taitung County) areas, but also designs a program to help increase rural learners’ motivation. A questionnaire was delivered to 931 junior high school students in these three areas. The one-way ANOVA reveals important differences among the three groups. First, Taipei City learners had higher values in all scales than those in Taitung County, except for Learning Experience in School. Second, Taipei City learners were similar to Taitung City learners in most scales, except for Learning Experience in School and Attitude. Third, Taitung City learners had higher Ought-to L2 Self, Family Influence, Instrumentality-Promotion, and International Posture than those of Taitung County learners. The multiple regression analysis on Intended Learning Effort shows that Attitude, Learning Experience out of School, and International Posture played as the three strongest predictors for the three groups. Interestingly, Ideal L2 Self and Instrumentality-Prevention were important predictors only for Taipei City learners; Ought-to L2 Self was only for Taitung City learners; Visual Learning Preference was only for Taitung City and Taitung County learners. The correlation analyses between the cognitive scales (Imagery Capacity, Visual Learning Preference, and Auditory Learning Preference), the two future self-guides (Ideal L2 Self and Ought-to L2 Self), and Intended Learning Effort reveals significant correlations among the three groups. In addition, the quantitative analyses on the results of the intervention program suggest that the program could help rural learners increase their L2 learning motivation. Detailed discussions on motivational characteristics in different areas and their pedagogical implications are provided.
Abstract (English)
Abstract (Chinese)
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Regional difference in English learning
2.2 L2 Motivational Self System Theory
2.2.1 Lamb (2012, 2013)
2.2.2 Chen (2013)
2.2.3 Summary
2.3 Cognitive scales
2.4 The intervention program
2.5 Research questions
Chapter 3 Young Adolescents’ L2 learning motivation in the three distinct areas in Taiwan
3.1 Methodology
3.1.1 Participants
3.1.2 Instruments
3.1.3 Pilot study and procedure
3.2 Results
3.2.1 Validity and reliability of the motivational scales
3.2.2 Comparative analyses of the motivational scales in
the three areas
3.2.3 Predictive effects of the motivational scales on
Intended Learning Effort
3.2.4 Correlations between the cognitive scales, the two
future self-guides, and Intended Learning Effort
3.3 Discussion
3.3.1 The differences in the motivational scales for the
three groups
3.3.2 The predictors on Intended Learning Effort for the
three groups
3.3.3 The relationships between the cognitive scales,
the two future self-guides, and Intended Learning
Effort for the three groups
Chapter 4 The Effectiveness of the Intervention Program
4.1 Methodology
4.1.1 Participants
4.1.2 Instrument and structure of the program
4.1.3 Pilot study and procedure
4.2 Results
4.2.1 The questionnaire data
4.2.2 The reflection data
4.2.3 Supplementary data from the informal interview
4.3 Discussion
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Theoretical implications
5.2 Pedagogical implications
5.3 Limitations and future directions
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