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作者(外文):Wu, Pei-Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Exploring Power Dynamics and Resistance in Nineteen Eighty-Four and Things Fall Apart
指導教授(外文):Wu, Chien-heng
Lin, Yi-Chuang E.
口試委員(外文):Chen, Huang-Hua
Yang, Nai-nu
外文關鍵詞:Nineteen Eighty-FourThings Fall ApartGeorge OrwellChinua Achebepower dynamicsresistanceHannah ArendtPanopticonHomi. K Bhabha
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此篇論文為探討《一九八四》與《分崩離析》作品中的權力運作(power dynamics)及反抗(resistance)。喬治·歐威爾的《一九八四》(1949) 描繪極權政黨統治反烏托邦社會。在《分崩離析》(1958),奇努阿·阿切貝敘述歐洲殖民時期,非洲部落的價值與傳統如何被殖民者推翻。這兩部小說皆呈現壓迫者與受迫者之間的權力互動,因此得以觀察到權力之間的運作多半為統治與服從的關係,這樣的關係受到內化(internalization)與刻板印象(stereotypes)的影響、暴力所造成的約制(coercion),以及權力擁有者運用環形監獄(panopticon)與恐怖體系(terror)來維持自身的利益。為了鞏固本篇論文,我將會運用政治及後殖民理論做為依據來分析這兩本小說。
第二章將依據多元性的理論來探討壓迫者維持權力的技巧,如霍米·巴巴 (刻板印象)、羅伯特 J.C 楊 (內在化) 、以及漢娜·阿倫特 (權威、暴力、恐怖體系),等等,這些理論將有助於了解受壓迫者為什麼屈於服從,以及統治者如何藉由肢體或心理上的壓制來延長抑或維持權力的完善。
第三章將分析權力的限制與不穩定性,我將引用漢娜·阿倫特 (權力的不穩定性)、霍米·巴巴 (矛盾心理)以及艾梅·塞澤爾的《殖民論述》(迴旋效應)來探討這一部分。
This thesis aims to explore power dynamics and resistance in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. Nineteen-Eighty Four (1949) presents a dystopian society ruled by a totalitarian party. Things Fall Apart (1958), on the other hand, depicts the values and traditions of African tribes overturned by Europe’s colonial invasion. Both of these works depict power dynamics operating behind the relationships between the oppressors and the oppressed. In particular, these power relationships observed to occur in both works are of domination and submission, which can be seen to occur from manipulation and influence through internalization and stereotypes, coercion through violence, the establishment of hierarchy through authority and reinforcing the interest of the powerful through the panopticon and terror. In this thesis, I will be using political and postcolonial theories as a solid foundation towards my research.
In the first chapter, I will define what power is and how it is formed in both works. For this purpose, I rely on Hannah Arendt’s discussion of power in On Violence. I will analyze three main groups in power in both literary works. The first and second organizations of power are represented by the tribal power and the European colonial power in Things Fall Apart. And the third organization of power is represented by the inner party in Nineteen Eighty-Four.
In the second chapter, I will analyze how the oppressors maintain their power through techniques of power. These techniques of power that I am going to discuss will be physical or mental methods implemented by the oppressors to prolong or keep their power intact. I will be taking an eclectic approach in theory to probe and explain into this chapter. The literary theories used in this chapter will derive from authors such as Michael Foucault (panopticism), Homi. K Bhabha (stereotypes), Robert J.C Young (internalization) and Hannah Arendt (authority, violence, terror). All of these theories will be used as an essential key analysis towards understanding the submission of the oppressed in these two works.
In the third chapter, I will examine the instability and limit of power in both of these works. I will draw on Arendt (the instability of power), Bhabha (ambivalence) and Aimé Césaire’s Discourse on Colonialism (boomerang effect) to explain this.
Lastly, in the fourth chapter, this thesis will examine how resistance operates in both works. For my analysis of resistance, I will turn to James C. Scott (Theory of Resistance). I will analyze Winston Smith’s and Julia’s resistance towards the inner party in Nineteen Eighty-Four. And I will explore the resistance occurring on the African tribes and against the colonial power in Things Fall Apart. The significance of this research is to raise the awareness of power dynamics to the reader and to discover possible types of resistance already written in literature.
I. Literature Review on Nineteen Eighty-Four and Things Fall Apart......................................................1
II. Background Overview on Nineteen Eighty-Four and Things Fall Apart................................................12
III. Motivation...........................................14
IV. Preview of the Chapters and Theoretical Approach......19
Chapter One: Groups in Power..............................21
I. The Power Group of Umuofia in Things Fall Apart........22
II. The European Colonial Power in Things Fall Apart......25
III. The Power of the Inner Party in Nineteen Eighty-Four.26
Chapter Two: Techniques of Power..........................28
I. Internalization........................................28
II. Stereotypes...........................................40
III. Panopticon...........................................41
IV. Authority.............................................48
V. Violence...............................................52
VI. Terror................................................55
Chapter Three: Power Instability..........................61
I. The Dissolution of the Power Group of Umuofia..........61
II. Theory of Ambivalence.................................67
III. The Paradox of Representation on the Proles and the Natives...................................................69
IV. Discourse on Colonialism..............................74
V. Power Instability of Capitalism in Nineteen Eighty-Four......................................................78
VI. Power Instability of Colonialism in Things Fall Apart.83
Chapter Four: Resistance..................................88
I. Weapons of the Weak....................................88
II. Domination and the Arts of Resistance.................90
III. Everyday Forms of Resistance, Undisclosed Resistance and Hidden Transcripts in Nineteen Eighty-Four............95
IV. Everyday Forms of Resistance and Publicly Declared Forms of Resistance in Things Fall Apart......................105
V. The Potential of Resistance in Nineteen Eighty-Four and Things Fall Apart........................................112
Works Cited..............................................120
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