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作者(外文):Arifin, Nadia Aulia
論文名稱(中文):The Integrated Production-Inventory-Distribution Planning Problem (Case Study in Asia)
指導教授(外文):Chen, James
口試委員(外文):Chen, Tzuli
Lo, Sonia
外文關鍵詞:TSPPOptimizationMINLPfreight distributionmulti-vendorsmulti-buyers
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:415
  • 評分評分:*****
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Optimization is widely applicable solution for most engineering problems including production, transportation, and distribution. Furthermore, in a global supply chain, products transferred needs to be optimized in either cost efficient or required time-window manner. Temperature sensitive and perishable products (TSPP) is one type of commodities that need special consideration during shipment, defined as cold freight distribution. As customer demand become more varied and competition become fiercer, freight transportation needs to be more flexible thus still managed to be efficient. This flexibility is contradictive to the optimal cost solution, which made most of shipments is either not cost effective or dealing with high damage rate due to long shipment. This research proposed a mathematical model to integrate production, transportation, and inventory aspects for TSPP in global supply chain (GSC). The mathematical model is aim to minimize all costs functions and increase flexibility. This research is an application of MINLP model to solve a study case of frozen products in multiple vendor and multiple buyer problem.
Chapter 1 Introduction 11
1.1 Background 11
1.2 Objectives 14
1.3 Methodology and Procedures 15
Chapter 2 Literature Review 17
2.1 Review of Supply Chain Researches 17
2.2 Allocation Problem in Supply Chain 22
2.3 Transshipment and Distribution Network 23
2.4 Inventory Control 25
Chapter 3 Cold Chain Optimization Model Formulation 27
3.1 Problem Definition 27
3.2 Mathematical Model 30
Chapter 4 Computational Study 38
4.1 Real Case Scenario 38
4.1.1 Distribution Network 38
4.1.2 Transshipment and its risk 41
4.1.3 Unilever Ice Cream 43
4.2 Input Parameter 45
4.3 Planning Result 49
Chapter 5 Sensitivity Analysis 54
5.1 The Effect of Demand Changes 54
5.2 The Effect of Lead-time Changes 57
5.3 The Effect of Damage Rate Changes 61
5.4 The Effect of Holding Cost Changes 64
5.5 The Effect of Reorder Cost Changes 68
5.6 The Effect of Demand Deviation in Distribution Centers 71
5.7 Analysis Summary 74
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Study 78
References 80
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