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作者(外文):Lin, Yi-Jhen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Resource-Constrained Assembly Line and Worker Assignment Balancing Problem for Sewing Lines in Apparel Industry
指導教授(外文):Chen, James C.
外文關鍵詞:line balancingapparel industrysewing linegrouping genetic algorithm
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  • 點閱點閱:331
  • 評分評分:*****
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成衣業造就台灣經濟成長,屬勞力密集性產業,車縫作業為其製程最重要一環,所需人力最多。透過生產線平衡安排,能減少人力需求,提升生產效率,降低人工成本並縮短生產週期時間。本論文將針對成衣廠車縫製程發展群組基因演算法(Grouping Genetic Algorithm, GGA)分別求解生產線平衡型I及型II問題。
Apparel manufacturing is a operator-intensive traditional industry helping the economy growth in Taiwan. The most critical manufacturing process is sewing, as it generally involves a great number of manual operations. A balanced sewing line can reduce operator requirement, increase production efficiency, decrease operator cost, and reduce production cycle time. This paper uses Grouping Genetic Algorithm (GGA) to solve types I and II Resource-Constrained Assembly Line and Worker Assignment Balancing Problem (RCALWABP) in sewing lines of apparel industry.

Type I RCALWABP in sewing lines was solved using GGA to minimize the number of workstations for a given cycle time. Type II RCALWABP was solved using GGA to minimize the cycle time and maximize the throughput for a given number of workstations. Type II RCALWABP is generally considered as the extension of Type I RCALWABP. The solution of types I and II RCALWABP in sewing lines has high practical value, but there is only limited literature in this area.

This paper takes into account several practical characteristics in apparel industry, including multi-skill operators, operator efficiency, and learning curve. Real data from apparel factories will be used to set the best parameters of GGA and evaluate GGA’s performance based on experimental design.
摘要 I
致謝 III
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objectives 4
1.3 Methodology and procedures 5
1.4 Organization of thesis 6
Chapter 2: Literature Review 7
2.1 Assembly Line Balancing Problem (ALBP) 7
2.2 Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem (ALWABP) 11
2.3 Genetic and Grouping Genetic Algorithm 12
Chapter 3: Problem definition 14
3.1 Problem Statement 14
3.2 Notations and Assumptions 18
3.3 Problem formulation 20
3.3.1 RCALWABP-I 20
3.3.2 RCALWABP-II 23
Chapter 4:Solution Method 25
4.1 Initial Solution Module 26
4.1.1 Modification Largest-Candidate-Rule Heuristics for RCALWABP-I 26
4.1.2 Modification Largest-Candidate-Rule Heuristics for RCALWABP-II 30
4.2 Grouping Genetic Algorithms Approach 35
4.2.1 Encoding 35
4.2.2 Initial population 37
4.2.3 Fitness evaluation 38
4.2.4 Selection 38
4.2.5 Crossover 39
4.2.6 Mutation 40
4.2.7 Termination 40
Chapter 5:Computational study 42
5.1 illustrated example 42
5.1.1 Initial solution result of RCALWABP-I 45
5.1.2 Initial solution result of RCALWABP-II 48
5.2. Experimental case study 51
5.3. Optimal parameter setting 52
5.3.1 Optimal parameter setting result of RCALWABP-I 52
5.3.2 Optimal parameter setting result of RCALWABP-II 55
5.4. Analysis experimental design 56
5.4.1 Analysis experimental design result of RCALWABP-I 57
5.4.2 Analysis experimental design result of RCALWABP-II 60
Chapter 6:Conclusions 62
Reference 64
Appendix 69

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