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作者(外文):KUO, MING-YU
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Abstract IV
List of Figures VII
List of Tables VIII
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 2
2.1. Product Service System 2
2.1.1. The Definition and Development Process of PSS 2
2.1.2. The Classification of PSS 3
2.1.3. The Methodologies of PSS 5
2.2. Business Model 10
2.2.1. The Definition and Framework of Business Model 10
2.2.2. The Methodologies of Business Model 12
2.3. Summary 15
3. Methodology 20
3.1. Phase 1: PSS Business Model Development 21
3.2. Phase 2: Business Model Selection 31
3.2.1. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) 31
3.2.2. Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to
Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) 35
4. Case Study 37
4.1. PSS Business Model Development 37
4.2. PSS Business Model Selection 44
4.3. Discussion 47
4.3.1. Scenario Analysis 47
4.3.2. Result 50
4.3.3. Academic & Practical Contribution 52
5. Conclusion 54
6. References 56
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