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作者(外文):Chen, Hung Ming
論文名稱(外文):Multi-fidelity Optimization with Ordinal Transformation and Optimal Sampling in FMS
指導教授(外文):Lin, James T.
口試委員(外文):Chen, Chun Hung
Chang, Kuo Hao
中文關鍵詞:多細緻度模型MO2TOSAdaptive SamplingAdaptive GroupingK-means分群
外文關鍵詞:Multi-fidelityMO2TOSAdaptive SamplingAdaptive GroupingK-means
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本研究以彈性製造系統(Flexible Manufacturing System)的同步進行機台與車輛排程為對象,透過區域控制以及替代機台的特性,進行本研究之高、低細緻度模型設置。為了能有效利用低、高細緻度模型之間的關係,本論文將引用MO2TOS(Multi-fidelity Optimization with Ordinal Transformation and Optimal Sampling)架構對此FMS同步排程問題進行求解。
在MO2TOS架構中,如何依據低細緻度模型績效進行抽樣與分組將會是運用MO2TOS進行模擬最佳化的求解重點。由於模型之間相關程度將可反映出模型之間績效趨勢一致性。本研究提出以Adaptive Sampling藉由求解過程中持續增加的高細緻度模型績效,並已逐漸收斂之模型相關程度進行抽樣方法的更新,將可避免選擇到不適當之抽樣方法。導入Adaptive Sampling後除了求解品質有效提升外,在高與低相關程度模型下平均可以節省45.39%與22.71%模擬資源的使用。在分組方法部分,MO2TOS採用等距方式進行方案分組,然後高細緻度模型績效中相似解之個數並不一定相等,使用等距分組易使組間差異不明顯,進而使資源分配不佳。本研究提出Adaptive Grouping以持續抽樣所得到模型相關資訊更新組別,在高與低相關程度之多細緻度模型下,導入Adaptive Grouping平均可以節省28.45%與17.94%模擬資源的使用。
In this research, Multi-fidelity Optimization with Ordinal Transformation and Optimal Sampling (MO2TOS) is exploite to solve the simultaneous scheduling problem of machines and automated guided vehicles (AGVs) in flexible manufacturing system (FMS). Fidelity represented the degree to which a simulation replicates reality. Because of FMS contains lots of system characteristics and flexibilities, and there are many different fidelity models exist which considerd different system features.
Evaluating system via higher fidelity model can be more accurately, but it will cause time-consuming and will bring higher cost. Although lower fidelity model may suffered bias, but faster evaluation and the performance can provide partial of trend between low and high fidelity models. It is important to enhance the efficiency of optimization by using multi-fidelity models.
In MO2TOS, applied an inappropriate sampling method will lead a poor quality of optimization. Hence Adaptive Sampling is proposed to update the sampling method by sample correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient can present the trend between multi-fidelity models, updating the sampling method according to the sample correlation coefficient can enhance the efficiency of optimization and save 45.39% and 22.71% of simulation resources for higher and lower correlation models.
Grouping method is one of main factors which may affect the quality of optimization significantly. In this research, Adaptive Grouping is proposed to update the group after every iteration of MO2TOS. It may significantly enhance the gap between groups, further to allocate resource effectively and save 28.45% and 17.94 of simulation resources for higher and lower correlation models.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機
1.2 研究目的
1.3 研究範圍
1.4 研究步驟與方法
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 模型細緻度相關文獻
2.1.1 細緻度定義
2.1.2 多細緻度模型相關研究
2.2 彈性製造系統
2.2.1 同步排程
2.2.2 替代機台
2.2.3 區域控制
2.3 模擬最佳化方法
第三章 運用高、低細緻度模型於彈性製造系統
3.1 問題描述
3.2 MO2TOS
3.2.1 Ordinal Transformation (OT)
3.2.2 Optimal Sampling (OS)
3.2.3 MO2TOS流程圖
3.3 彈性製造系統之多細緻度模型設定
3.3.1 低細緻度模型1
3.3.2 低細緻度模型2
3.3.3 高細緻度模型
3.4 模擬模式建構
3.5 MO2TOS應用
第四章 MO2TOS深入分析
4.1 多細緻度模型相關程度探討
4.2 MO2TOS效益
4.2.1 Ordinal Transformation效益
4.2.2 Optimal Sampling效益
第五章 導入Adaptive Sampling
5.1 Adaptive Sampling方法論
5.1.1 模型相關係數選擇
5.1.2 Adaptive Sampling
5.1.3 驗證結果與分析
5.2 與MO2TOS-E進行比較
5.2.1 MO2TOS-E方法
5.2.2 驗證結果與分析
5.3 實驗結論
第六章 導入Adaptive Grouping
6.1 Adaptive Grouping方法論
6.1.1 K-means方法
6.1.2 Adaptive Grouping
6.1.3 驗證結果與分析
6.2 實驗結論
第七章 結論與建議
7.1 結論
7.2 建議
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