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論文名稱(外文):Research and Development of a Compliant Exoskeleton Joint by Using Magneto-Rheological Fluid
指導教授(外文):Chang, Jen-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Exoskeleton robotic devicesCompliant jointMagneto-rheological fluid
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  • 點閱點閱:480
  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文首先探討磁流體之流體性質,並將其流體性質可由外加磁場所控制之特點,應用在輔具之適應性關節設計上。本研究宗旨為輔具關節,由於其需穿戴於人體身上,在基於安全性的考量,因此本研究利用永久磁鐵取代電磁鐵來營造磁流體所需的磁場強度,透過改變永久磁鐵與磁流體之相對距離來達到磁場強度的控制,利用電磁模擬分析軟體Ansoft/Maxwell 3D進行磁場的計算模擬,可計算出磁鐵與磁流體在不同的相對距離下,磁流體的感應磁場強度,並透過理論計算出其所能傳遞之扭矩值,最後透過實驗的方式進行驗證。
As the technology advances, many studies on the fields of traditional mechanical engineering has turned to intelligent exoskeleton robotics, which include applications in military, entertainment, and rehabilitation medical uses. From the standpoint of physical rehabilitation, the aim of using exoskeleton robotics is to utilize mechanical power to assist patients in recovering from lose of arm movement due to diseases or accidents through a physical rehabilitation process. The purpose of this study is to design and develop a compliant joint to ensure safety of the users during the rehabilitation process. This compliant joint utilizes magneto-rheological fluid to vary transmitted torque of the joint. Also, it has safety to limit maximum torque that is transmitted.
This thesis first investigates properties of the magneto-rheological fluid. The properties of the magneto-rheological fluid can be controlled by the applied magnetic field and this characteristic is applied on the design of the compliant joint. Due to the fact that this rehabilitation device needs to be worn on the patients, permanent magnet is used instead of electromagnet to provide required magnetic field for the magneto-rheological fluid. The magnetic field exerted on the magneto-rheological fluid can be controlled by changing the distance between the permanent magnet and the magneto-rheological fluid. Using simulation software such as Ansoft/Maxwall 3D to calculate the magnetic field under different boundary conditions. Lastly, experiments are performed to compare the results with the theoretical results.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 文獻回顧 3
1.4 研究主題 8
第二章 磁流體性質介紹與應用....10
2.1 可控性流體 10
2.2 磁流變液之組成與特性 11
2.3 賓漢模型(Bingham model) 磁流體的組成結構 12
2.4 磁流變液的黏滯性 14
2.5 磁流體於應用上之操作型態 14
第三章 磁路設計 16
3.1 電磁學基礎理論 16
3.1.1 安培定理 16
3.1.2 B-H關係 17
3.1.3 磁通量和磁高斯定理 19
3.1.4 磁路分析 20
3.2 含磁流體之磁路分析 22
第四章 適應性關節結構設計與磁場模擬 24
4.1 適應性關節結構設計 24
4.1.1 適應性關節輸出扭矩之計算 24
4.1.2 適應性關節設計概念 26
4.1.3 外加磁場設置與控制方法 27
4.2 磁場模擬與量測 30
4.2.1 Ansoft Maxwell 3D建模 30
4.2.2 磁場量測 32
4.2.3 量測結果比較 34
第五章 適應性關節性能測試 52
5.1 適應性關節扭矩測試平台 52
5.2 扭矩測試結果 53
5.3透過模擬推算適應性關節所能輸出之扭矩 58
5.4 輸出軸之動態響應 66
第六章 結論 72
6.1 結論 72
6.2 外來展望 73
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