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作者(外文):Pu, Shu-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Research and Development of Human Finger Stiffness Measurement System through Mechatronic Integration of Hand Wearable Robotic Device
指導教授(外文):Chang, Jen-Yuan(James)
口試委員(外文):Pei, Yu-Cheng
Su, Jui-Yiao
外文關鍵詞:ExoskeletonHand rehabilitation device
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:274
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:44
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The development of robotics has gradually advanced from industrial and military use to medical nursing and rehabilitation use. Physical rehabilitation robotics has become the main stream in the medical application, including upper and lower limb rehabilitation robotic devices. Investigated researches in the global have shown that the intensity, repeatability, and the amount of rehabilitation in the process are directly related to the results of the rehabilitation process. Also, the preferable time for rehabilitation process for each patient is crucial the rehabilitation results. The patents will have beneficial recovery results if patents are able to undergo proper rehabilitation process on the preferable time set by the doctors. The method of rehabilitation process is decided by the clinical experience of the doctors and therapists; thus, different rehabilitation methods chosen by the doctors and therapist might lower the result of the rehabilitation process and raise the unnecessary medical cost.
The purpose of this study is to design and develop a wearable robotic device for human hand, which focuses on patents who lost their range of motion limitation in their hand movement and suffered from nervous system diseases. The aim of this rehabilitation device is to assist patents in performing repeating hand movement rehabilitation. Also, doctors and therapist can control the setting rehabilitation device to fulfill the needs of the patents. Not only did this study focus on the design and development of a wearable robotic device for human hand but also develop the stiffness measurement system for robotic device. The measured data can be used to determine the level of healthiness of patents' hand in order for the doctors and therapist to decide the appropriate rehabilitation therapy for each individual. Through the development of the rehabilitation device and stiffness measurement system, doctors and therapists can be provided with real time result data to assist them in rehabilitation diagnosis and treatment.
第一章 緒論
1.1 前言
1.2 歷史背景與發展
1.3 文獻回顧
1.4 手掌型穿戴式輔具分類
1.4-1 以輔具的「功能」分類
1.4-2 以輔具的「動力來源」分類
1.4-3 以輔具使用之「感測方式」分類
1.4-4 以輔具使用之「機構外型」分類
1.5 研究動機與目標
1.6 研究方法
第二章 輔具機構模型建構與模擬
2.1 前言
2.2 設計概念描述與CAD模型的建構
2.3 座標轉換理論
2.4 外骨骼手指的數學模型建構
2.4-1 符號定義與初始條件
2.4-2 模型假設與座標相對關係建立
2.5 外骨骼手指的軌跡模擬結果
2.6 外骨骼手指軌跡實驗結果
2.7 結語
第三章 輔具控制系統架設
3.1 前言
3.2 系統架構
3.3 電路設計
3.4 輔具系統架設之實驗結果
3.5 結語
第四章 輔具剛性量測系統理論與架設
4.1 前言
4.2 量測原理
4.3 系統架設
4.4 系統參數定義與實驗流程
第五章 輔具剛性量測實驗結果
5.1 前言
5.2 系統校正曲線
5.3 輔具的剛性測量實驗結果
5.4 無負載狀態之手指剛性量測結果
5.5 裝載彈性係數K1的手指剛性量測結果
5.6 裝載彈性係數K2的手指剛性量測結果
5.7 綜合剛性量測結果討論
5.8 結語
第六章 結論與未來展望
6.1 總結
6.2 本文貢獻
6.3 未來展望
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