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作者(外文):Chen, Chung Chin
論文名稱(外文):A Hydrostatic Rotary Bearing Design
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  • 點閱點閱:517
  • 評分評分:*****
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This thesis studies the design process of the hydrostatic bearing, and completes a hydrostatic rotary bearing design with high performance based on a properly structural design and with self-made capillary restrictors.
This work commences with the analysis of the flow resistance between the rotor and the stator of a hydrostatic bearing in order to delve into the pressure ratio between the source and the pocket, which influences the bearing stiffness tremendously. Secondly, this study carries out the load capacity analysis of the single pad and the opposed pad hydrostatic bearings, and also the stiffness under the usage of capillary restrictors. After the structural consideration, this work optimizes the performances with the estimation and the redesign of the bearing total flow rate, the oil film thickness, the temperature variation and the pocket pressure distribution.
To perfect this hydrostatic rotary bearing system, the related equipment is taken into consideration, such as the oil pumping system and the bearing drive system. This work follows the requirements of the bearing performances to construct the systems mentioned above. This study consummates with a high load capacity, high precision and high stiffness hydrostatic rotary bearing designed based on the hydrostatic theories, made by the proper processes and assembled with the three fine systems mentioned above.
摘要 2
Abstract 3
目錄 4
圖目錄 7
第一章 導論 13
1-1 研究動機 13
1-2 研究背景 14
1-3 文獻回顧 16
1-3-1 液靜壓軸承之研究 16
1-3-2 固定式節流液靜壓軸承之研究 17
1-3-3 主動式節流液靜壓軸承之研究 18
1-3-4 表面自補償節流器之研究 20
1-3-5 液靜壓軸承理論誤差修正之研究 20
1-4 本文內容 21
第二章 理論分析 23
2-1 流阻理論分析 23
2-2 雷諾方程式 28
2-3 Lumped Parameter Modeling 31
2-4 液靜壓軸承承載力及油膜剛性 34
2-5 液靜壓軸承流體溫度變化 43
第三章 液靜壓旋轉平台設計 48
3-1 液靜壓旋轉平台設計流程 48
3-2 液靜壓旋轉平台構型選擇 49
3-3 液靜壓旋轉平台尺寸設計 51
3-4 液靜壓旋轉平台封油面設計 55
3-5 評估、計算所設計之軸承的剛性、流量、功耗及溫度變化 58
3-6 節流器的選用及設計 63
第四章 平台性能評估及模擬 66
4-1 液靜壓旋轉平台結構形變模擬 66
4-2 液靜壓旋轉平台系統剛性模擬 70
4-3 液靜壓旋轉平台流量分析 72
4-4 液靜壓旋轉平台功耗與溫度變化分析 74
4-5 油腔內部壓力分佈模擬 77
4-6 油腔內部溫度分佈模擬 84
第五章 實驗研究 92
5-1 實驗架設 92
5-1-1 液靜壓旋轉平台 93
5-1-2 供油設備系統及流體冷卻單元 96
5-1-3 驅動設備裝置 98
5-1-4 量測設備 99
5-2 實驗用節流器模組 102
5-3 實驗方法及步驟 103
5-3-1 實驗方法 103
5-3-2 實驗步驟 104
5-4 實驗結果 107
5-4-1 軸承剛性實驗結果 107
5-4-2 軸承運動精度量測結果 116
第六章 結論與未來工作 127
6-1 結論 127
6-2 未來工作 128
參考文獻 131
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