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作者(外文):Tsai, Chia Chi
論文名稱(外文):Reliability Analysis of Cu Bump Interconnection used in Double-sided Power Module
指導教授(外文):Chiang, Kuo Ning
外文關鍵詞:double-sided power modulepower cyclebump interconnectionreliability of interconnectionintermetallic compounds
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本研究探討之結構將使用Cu/Sn IMC進行電訊接點的接合,但是關於該材料之破壞強度未能有一可靠之參考數據,而且於功率模組運作時,其接面溫度會達到200˚C之高溫,常溫下的破壞強度將不適用於此處之可靠度分析。故本研究最後提出建議之探討Cu/Sn IMC破壞強度的實驗設計,藉由設計符合實驗需求之試片,並以熱處理與剪力測試來掌握IMC之成長以及其破壞強度,最後再搭配加熱模組進行剪力測試,藉此找出IMC於高溫下之破壞強度。
Due to development of technology and the users demand, power modules are widely used with the characteristic that it can promote energy transfer efficiency. Nowadays, high power and high integrated are the modern trends in development of power modules. Conventional power modules utilize bonding wire for interconnection and dissipate heat mainly based on forced cooling system. However, with the rising of working power, it is necessary to create power modules which can solve high junction temperature and effort high working current. Double-sided power modules are one of the structures which can realize high power module application with reducing junction temperature efficiently and providing more heat dissipation path. According to the research results of Tsing Hwau-Delta project, using bump interconnection can control the current density and design the DNP position of bumps freely, so that it is more flexible in the view of design than face-to-face solder interconnection which is utilized in existing double-sided power module. This research is focus on double-sided power module with bump interconnection and investigating reliability of the bump.
When the power modules are subjected to the cyclic power load, the junction temperature varies significantly; the thermal stress and strain resulting from the mismatch between the coefficients of thermal expansion of materials causes the bumps to failure. This research will construct finite element models to conduct electro-thermal and thermal-mechanical analysis in aforementioned structure by commercial software ANSYS, and to simulate the mechanical behaviors of bump interconnection under power cycling. By using this simulation method, an analysis of the reliability of bump interconnection when it is in different cooling conditions and subjected to several power cycles is achieved. The area there the bumps will easily failure is discussed, and proposing methods to enhance its reliability with concepts used in advanced packaging. Finally, parameter analysis of IMC structure in bump interconnection is also executed to understand the effect of design parameters of IMC. From results of simulation, double-sided power module with double-sided cooling can get lower junction temperature and better reliability of copper bump. However, the structure in this condition possesses worse IMC reliability and this disadvantage can be improved by enlarging the corner bumps which have the largest DNP. In addition, under the premise that the bumps can keep complete joint, the thickness of IMC should be reduced as possible as it can, and the reliability of IMC will be increased.
The bump interconnection used in this research is joined by Cu/Sn IMC, and it is needed that to get a credible value of the failure strength of the IMC material. Moreover, when the power module works, the junction temperature will reach 200 °C. Hence, the failure strength of IMC measured at room temperature is not suitable for the reliability analysis in this condition. This research proposes a recommended experiment design to investigate the failure strength of Cu/Sn IMC. Using thermal aging treatment to control the growth of IMC and utilizing shear test with heating module to measure its failure strength at high temperature.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機
1.2 文獻回顧
1.2.1 功率模組之近期發展
1.2.2 整合型功率模組
1.2.3 雙邊式功率模組
1.2.4 功率模組之散熱系統
1.2.5 IMC成長之擴散效應
1.2.6 IMC抗剪強度之測試
1.3 研究目標
第二章 基礎理論
2.1 有限元素法
2.1.1 線彈性有限元素法理論
2.1.2 材料非線性有限元素法理論
2.2 數值分析法與收斂準則
2.3 破壞準則
2.3.1 最大主應力破壞準則
2.3.2 最大剪應力破壞準則
2.3.3 最大畸變能破壞準則
2.4 IMC成長機制
2.5 JEDEC剪力推球測試規範
2.6 熱傳遞分析理論基礎
2.6.1 熱傳遞行為
2.6.2 封裝元件之熱傳遞分析
2.6.3 等效熱傳系數分析
第三章 有限元素模擬
3.1 有限元素模型
3.1.1 電熱耦合分析之材料參數與邊界條件
3.1.2 熱固分析之材料參數與邊界條件
3.1.3 雙邊功率模組電流分析
3.1.4 暫態電熱耦合與熱固分析
3.2 不同冷卻系統配置
3.2.1 單邊與雙邊水冷結構之比較
3.3 第二功率循環之比較
3.3.1 單邊水冷結構
3.3.2 雙邊水冷結構
3.4 單邊水冷結構於第三功率循環之行為分析
3.4.1 截至第四功率循環之行為分析
3.5 最大DNP區域之分析
3.5.1 角落電訊接點之分析
3.5.2 單邊水冷結構
3.5.3 雙邊水冷結構
3.5.4 結果與討論
3.6 放大角落電訊接點之影響
3.6.1 單邊水冷結構
3.6.2 雙邊水冷結構
3.6.3 結果與討論
3.7 放大角落電訊接點與原模型在多循環下之比較
3.7.1 單邊水冷結構
3.7.2 雙邊水冷結構
3.7.3 結果與討論
第四章 IMC層之參數分析
4.1 IMC厚度之影響
4.2 不同強度IMC之影響
4.3 內置緩衝結構之影響
第五章 實驗方法
5.1 IMC成長實驗
5.1.1 試片製備
5.1.2 實驗流程
5.2 剪力測試
5.2.1 實驗儀器
5.2.2 不同接點組成之剪力測試流程
5.2.3 不同溫度下之剪力測試流程
第六章 結論與未來展望
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