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作者(外文):Hsiao, Heng-Sheng
論文名稱(外文):Development of Precision Index Mark from Incremental Measuring system
指導教授(外文):Chang, Jen-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Measuring systemIndex markPermanent magnet for manufacturing process
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本研究由理論出發、研擬可行之製程方式,對整體量測平臺進行設計,透過模擬分析與實驗驗證來實現參考標記的製作,其中量測平臺的設計包含元件的選用、尺寸外形設計、控制方法等。為了實現參考標記,參考標記製作方式的選定後,必須針對寫頭外形作設計,並分析最佳磁化參數,以得到較佳的製作品質,此外,我們將對製作完成之量測系統進行實際測試,如場形分佈、位置精度誤差、重現精度誤差等, 在本研究最後的部分,將針對以本研究方法製作的含參考標記之量測系統,進行可靠度試驗的分析,以作為評斷其實際應用上性能表現的參考依據。未來期望此方法能持續不斷的改善,提升量測系統的製造品質,並往更高階的量測系統繼續發展,以應用於工具機或機器人之位置控制。
Different from the commercial usage of electromagnet for manufacturing process, this paper utilized a permanent magnet for manufacturing process to develop index mark on an incremental measuring system. Magnetic encoders have been gradually emphasized in recent years due to its advantage of affordable price and ability to withstand and operate in harsh environment. Also, magnetic encoders have similar application as that of optical encoders. However, the accuracy and resolution of current magnet encoders are not able to compete with the mid or high level performance of optical encoders. The quality of manufacturing process is crucial in influencing the positioning accuracy of magnetic encoders.

This study first used theoretical approach to investigate different manufacturing methods. For the design of measuring platform, simulated and experimental results were used to confirm the feasibility of index mark. The design of measuring platform included the choice of materials, dimensions, and methods of system control. After the manufacturing method is finalized, the shape of the write head needs to design and analyze in order to optimize the quality of manufacturing process. In addition, measuring system was put into test to evaluate the magnetic flux distribution, positioning accuracy, and repeatable accuracy. Finally, reliability analysis was carried out on the sample to examine the performance of index mark on measuring system.

In the near future, the measuring system is expected to improve in order to enhance manufacturing quality and advance to higher level of measuring system development. These improvements will play an important role in the application of machinery and robotic positioning control.
摘要 I
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 編碼器簡介 1
1.2.1 依檢測原理分類 1
1.2.2 依編碼方式分類 2
1.2.3 依機械結構分類 4
1. 4文獻回顧 4
1.4.1 寫入模式 4
1.4.2 磁性量測系統 6
1.5 研究動機與目標 10
1.6 論文架構 12
第二章 研究方法與設計概念 14
2.1 前言 14
2.2 寫入方法 14
2.3 覆寫頭設計 17
2.3.1 激勵源的選擇 17
2.3.2 覆寫頭外形 18
2.4 覆寫平臺設計 21
2.4.1覆寫平臺構想 21
2.4.2 致動器選用 22
2.4.3 感測器選用 23
2.4.4 控制單元 25
2.5 小結 26
第三章 有限元素法分析 27
3.1 前言 27
3.2 實體模型建立 27
3.3 永久磁鐵外形分析 30
3.4 覆寫間隙對移動方向的影響 33
3.5 入刀深度對寬度方向的影響 35
3.6 覆寫當下的影響 36
3.7 小結 37
第四章 參考標記之實現與性能測試 39
4.1 前言 39
4.2 覆寫平臺之建立 39
4.3 磁通量密度檢測 40
4.3.1 量測平台架設 40
4.3.2 永久磁鐵 41
4.3.3 覆寫頭 46
4.3.4 覆寫前膠磁 48
4.3.5 單次覆寫之記錄媒介 53
4.3.6覆寫後記錄媒介 54
4.4 定位精度檢測 63
4.4.1 增量式編碼精度量測 64
4.4.2參考標記重現精度量測 67
4.5 可靠度測試 68
4.6 小結 72
第五章 結論與未來展望 73
5.1 結論 73
5.2 未來展望 75
參考文獻 78
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