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作者(外文):Li, Wen-Kai
論文名稱(外文):Design and Analysis of Adaptively Adjustable Soft Contact-lenses
外文關鍵詞:Contact LensesEye modelVisual Acuity
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視覺一直是人類高度仰賴與外界溝通的重要感覺神經,因此在視力衰弱時,屈光矯正的重要性顯得更為重要。一般屈光矯正的方式包含一般眼鏡矯正、雷射角膜手術(Laser Assisted In Situ Keratectomy, LASIK),硬式透氧性角膜接觸鏡(Rigid Gas Permeable lens, RGP)以及軟式隱形眼鏡矯正,而軟式隱形眼鏡又因其方便性而廣為使用。然而軟式隱形眼鏡容易隨著角膜而有所變形,在配戴上容易隨著個體的差異而使得矯正效果降低,因此研究以適應方法設計及製作的軟式隱形眼鏡且針對視力需求修正高階像差(Aberrations)是刻不容緩之工作。
本論文進行的工作包含建構人眼模型、設計軟式隱形眼鏡、分析製造軟式隱形眼鏡流程及成果討論。利用人眼模型可分析視力問題成因,再用來設計隱形眼鏡建立後表面曲率半徑(Back optical zone radius, BOZR),前表面曲率半徑(Front optical zone radius, FOZR),厚度以及非球面係數(Asphericity)等進行屈光度(Diopter)以及眼球像差之矯正,佐以視力表的成像方式檢視矯正前後之視覺情況。製造方法上以甲基丙烯酸二羥基乙酯(Hydroxyethyl methacrylate, HEMA)與二乙氧基苯乙酮(2,2-Diethoxyacetophenone, DEAP)進行光聚合實驗,測量含水率以計算出隱形眼鏡的乾片尺寸。本論文基本上完成軟式隱形眼鏡基本設計軟體環境與製程參數分析,為深入研究分析紮下穩固基礎。
Visual system has been part of human central nervous system to detect and interpret information from visible light to build a representation of the surrounding world; hence, if the vision of a human is poor, then correction of ametropia would be important in optometry. Normal correction methods prescribed by ophthalmologists include spectacles, LASIK, RGP contact lenses and soft contact lenses. Today, soft contact lenses are popular because of convenience and economic consideration. However, soft contact lenses deform easily on cornea with resultant variable optical characteristics often lead to ineffective correction. It is necessary to design soft contact lenses with precision and adaptation so that visual acuity can be compensated in high order aberrations.
In this thesis, the objectives are to establish human eye model for vision analysis, design soft contact lenses, and assess basic manufacture processes. With the established eye model, fundamental issues of eye conditions can be realized. Then, design of soft contact lenses is based on back optical zone radius, front optical zone radius, center thickness and surface asphericity to correct ametropia and aberrations. With the help of standard eye charts, the eye model with soft contact lens can form an image on retina for illustration correction in ametropia. Finally, preliminary experiments in curing of HEMA and DEAP with UV light sources would provide knowledge in effective water contents of the polymer for estimation of profile accuracy in dry contact lenses. The results of the study provide a solid foundation for advanced investigation of soft contact lenses in the furture.
摘 要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XI
1. 第一章 簡 介 1
1-1.研究背景 1
1-2.研究目的 2
1-3.文獻回顧 3
1-3-1軟式隱形眼鏡之發展 3
1-3-2隱形眼鏡之光學參數 4
1-3-3眼球模型發展 4
1-3-4夏克-哈特曼波前感測器 6
2. 第二章 基礎理論 9
2-1.基礎光學理論 9
2-1-1折射定律與透鏡近軸成像理論 9
2-1-2像差基本理論 10
2-1-3非球面之光學原理 11
2-1-4澤尼克多項式 12
2-2.眼球模型與屈光不正 13
2-2-1眼球之基本幾何與光學特性 13
2-2-2屈光不正 15
2-3.隱形眼鏡光學原理[7] 16
2-3-1屈光力 16
2-3-2軟式隱形眼鏡屈光力變化 18
2-3-3隱形眼鏡的稜鏡效應 18
2-4.紫外光聚合反應 19
2-5.隱形眼鏡之製造流程 20
3. 第三章 隱形眼鏡與眼球模型之建立 33
3-1.光學模擬系統架構 33
3-2.隱形眼鏡模型 33
3-3.波前感測器模型 34
3-4.人類眼球模型 35
3-4-1一般眼球模型 35
3-4-2近視眼球模型 36
3-4-3散光眼球模型 37
4. 第四章 隱形眼鏡光學設計 52
4-1.隱形眼鏡材料性質 52
4-1-1.實驗材料與設備 52
4-1-2.聚合實驗 53
4-2.隱形眼鏡設計流程 54
4-3.近視眼球之矯正 55
4-4.散光眼球之矯正 56
4-4-1.軸對稱隱形眼鏡設計 56
4-4-2.非軸對稱隱形眼鏡設計 57
4-5.隱形眼鏡設計結果 58
5. 第五章 結論與未來工作 74
5-1.結果與討論 74
5-2.未來研究工作 75
6. 第六章 參考文獻 76

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