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作者(外文):Chi, Shang-Fu
論文名稱(外文):First Principles Molecular Dynamics Analysis on the Molten Electrolytes of Thermal Batteries
指導教授(外文):Hong, Che-Wun
口試委員(外文):Huang, Mei-Jiau
Tsai, Ming-Kang
Yang, Jui-Chen
外文關鍵詞:thermal batterymolecular dynamicsfirst principles molecular dynamicsionic conductivitythermal conductivitymelting point
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  • 點閱點閱:189
  • 評分評分:*****
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熱電池與一般電化學電池最大不同地方,係為利用外部熱源,將電解質迅速加熱至高溫熔化狀態並激發此電池。影響熱電池效能關鍵因素除了陰陽極材料之外,最重要的為熔鹽電解質的離子傳導率與熱傳導率,此二項因素為最直接的影響發電性能。本研究利用建立系統等容定溫模型 (NVT constrain),在離子傳導率的部分,同時使用古典分子動力學以及第一原理分子動力學搭配Nernst-Einstein relation作計算;在熱傳導率計算上使用反向非平衡態分子動力學方法 (RNEMD method)。不同於實驗,以施加溫差的方式提供熱通量,該方法則是利用提供已知的熱通量來觀察其溫度變化,相較於其他一般的非平衡態分子動力學方法 (NEMD method)或是平衡態分子動力學的Green-Kubo方法有更好的收斂性。
The main propose of this thesis is to simulate blend molten salts by molecular dynamics (MD) and first principles molecular dynamics (FPMD) techniques. It is followed by calculating the ionic conductivity and thermal conductivity in order to analyze how the molten electrolyte affect the operation of a thermal battery. Furthermore, we compare our simulation results with literatures to verify the pros and cons of different methods.
According to the literature survey, whether a thermal battery is good or not is based on the discharging life and efficiency. The important factors to the battery efficiency are ionic conductivity and thermal conductivity. They both will affect the ionic transportation. The battery life time and the melting point are also influential factors. In the simulation of ionic conductivity, we use both classical molecular dynamics and first principles molecular dynamics to simulate the behavior at high temperature. Then we calculate the ionic conductivity with Nernst-Einstein relation and thermal conductivity with reversed non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (RNEMD) algorithm. Comparing to some other non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) methods, RNEMD has been found to have better convergence.
Finally, we try to simulate the process of cooling down temperature of eutectic-salts electrolyte and observe the region of discontinuation to evaluate the melting point. It is expected to build a complete software tool for molten salt simulation to replace the costive in experiments and to optimize the battery design in a more efficient way.
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 緒論 V
1.1 前言 1
1.2 熱電池簡介 2
1.2.1熱電池基本構造 3
1.2.2電極材料 3
1.2.3電解質材料 4
1.3 文獻回顧 5
1.3.1離子傳導率 6
1.3.2熱傳導率 6
1.3.3熔點 7
1.4 研究動機與目的 7
第二章 研究方法 9
2.1分子動力學模擬 (Molecular Dynamics, MD) 9
2.1.1 古典分子動力學 9 分子動力學理論 9基本勢能函數 11
2.1.2 第一原理分子動力學 (First Principles Molecular Dynamics, FPMD) 19
2.2週期性邊界條件 (Periodic Boundary Condititons, PBC) 27
2.3 Ewald Summation 28
2.4溫控器 (Thermostat): 31
2.4.1 Nose-Hoover Thermostat 31
2.4.2 Nose-Hoover-Langevin (NHL) Dynamics 33
2.5 運動方程式 34
2.6 其他常見的勢能模型 35
第三章 模型建構與模擬方法 37
3.1模擬流程 37
3.2模擬工具 38
3.2.1建立模型 39
3.2.2古典分子動力學 41
3.2.3 CASTEP與自洽場計算原理 43
3.2.4數據後處理 44
第四章 結果與討論 51
4.1 離子傳導率 51
4.1.1 古典分子動力學 51
4.1.2 第一原理分子動力學 53
4.2 熱傳導率 59
4.3 熔點 62
第五章 結論 65
5.1結論 65
5.2未來工作建議 66
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